Shibata, FumihisaNakamoto, HiroyukiSasaki, RyoichiKimura, AsakoTamura, HideyukiRobert van Liere and Betty Mohler2014-01-272014-01-272008978-3-905674-06-41727-530X paper describes a view management method for annotations on mobile mixed reality systems. In recent years, mobile devices, such as mobile phones and PDAs, have rapidly gained popularity. Thus, MR systems using mo- bile devices are expected to be a rich field. However, the mobile devices' components (screen and application executable memory) are very small compared to those of notebook computers. Also, the processor does not have enough computational power. Thus, it is difficult for such devices to apply existing view management techniques. We propose a view management method that consists of seven sub-functions. Each sub-function is implemented by a simple algorithm, while a system developer assembles required sub-functions into a customized view manage- ment component.We implemented some applications based on the proposed method and discussed the effectiveness of the view management algorithm.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): H.5.1 [Multimedia Information Systems]: Artificial, augmented, and virtual realitiesA View Management Method for Mobile Mixed Reality Systems