Barazzetti, LuigiFangi, GabrieleRemondino, FabioScaioni, MarcoAlessandro Artusi and Morwena Joly and Genevieve Lucet and Denis Pitzalis and Alejandro Ribes2014-02-012014-02-012010978-3-905673-76-0 derivation of 3D metric information from spherical images for interactive exploration and realistic 3D modeling is receiving great attention due to their high-resolution content, large field-of-view, lowcost, easiness, rapidity and completeness. We present a methodology for accurate 3D reconstruction from spherical (panoramic) images acquired by mosaicking separated frame images captured with a rotating head and a consumer grade or SLR digital camera. In particular we focus the attention on the orientation of the panoramas which is achieved by extracting the necessary tie points with a new fully automated procedure, based on feature matching and robust estimators. Results of the automated panorama orientations and 3D reconstructions of architectural scenes are presented and discussed.Automation in Multi-Image Spherical Photogrammetry for 3D Architectural Reconstructions