Clément, OlivierPaquette, EricN. Avis and S. Lefebvre2014-02-062014-02-0620111017-4656 video games and computer-animated movies exhibit extremely realistic synthetic images. To achieve such a level of realism, artists have to consider several characteristics including material appearance changes from object aging such as rust, bumps, dents, or simply dust. Since adding these details is time-consuming, several approaches have been proposed to ease the aging process and reduce related costs. In this paper, we address some problems and limitations from image based aging techniques by proposing extensions intended to widen their range of application. First, we present a new automatic positioning system that handles special orientation cases, thus increasing the overall controllability on the aging framework. Also, we propose an innovative process to better handle multiple texture colorations during the synthesis phase of image-based aging techniques.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism-Color, shading, shadowing, and textureEnhancing Image-Based Aging Approaches