Abdul-Rahman, AlfieMaguire, EamonnChen, MinN. Elmqvist and M. Hlawitschka and J. Kennedy2014-12-162014-12-162014978-3-905674-69-9https://doi.org/10.2312/eurovisshort.20141165Glyphs have been successfully used in poetry visualization for depicting the characteristics and positions of eachphonetic articulation in relation to the human vocal system. While existing glyph designs provide visual representationsfor detailed observation and external memorization of the dynamics throughout a poem, they are lesseffective for observing the relationship and variance between different lines in a poem and in comparing differentpoems. In this short paper, we present three designs of macro-glyphs for summarizing the spatio-temporal dynamicsat the level of poetic lines. In particular, we use statistics from a collection of poems to guide and optimize thedesigns. We report our comparative study on the effectiveness of these three designs.Comparing Three Designs of Macro-Glyphs for Poetry Visualization