Loscos, CelineSouchet, PhilippeBarrios, ThéoValenzise, GiuseppeCozot, RémiHahmann, StefaniePatow, Gustavo A.2022-04-222022-04-222022978-3-03868-172-41017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egt.20221054https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egt20221054The collaborators of the ReVeRY project address the design of a specific grid of cameras, a cost-efficient system that acquires at once several viewpoints, possibly under several exposures and the converting of multiview, multiexposed, video stream into a high quality 3D HDR point cloud. In the last two decades, industries and researchers proposed significant advances in media content acquisition systems in three main directions: increase of resolution and image quality with the new ultra-high-definition (UHD) standard; stereo capture for 3D content; and high-dynamic range (HDR) imaging. Compression, representation, and interoperability of these new media are active research fields in order to reduce data size and be perceptually accurate. The originality of the project is to address both HDR and depth through the entire pipeline. Creativity is enhanced by several tools, which answer challenges at the different stages of the pipeline: camera setup, data processing, capture visualisation, virtual camera controller, compression, perceptually guided immersive visualisation. It is the experience acquired by the researchers of the project that is exposed in this tutorial.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies --> Computational photography; Image processing; Virtual reality; Perception; 3D imagingComputing methodologiesComputational photographyImage processingVirtual realityPerception3D imagingFrom Capture to Immersive Viewing of 3D HDR Point Clouds10.2312/egt.20221054