Santos, B. SousaDias, P.Silva, S.Capucho, L.Salgado, N.Lino, F.Carvalho, V.Ferreira, C.Robert van Liere and Betty Mohler2014-01-312014-01-312008978-3-905673-66-1 describe a user study comparing a low cost VR system using a Head-Mounted-Display (HMD) to a desktop and another setup where the image is projected on a screen. Eighteen participants played the same game in the three platforms. Results show that users generally did not like the setup using a screen and the best performances were obtained with the desktop configuration. This result could be due to the fact that most users were gamers used to the interaction through keyboard/mouse. Still, we noticed that user performance in the HMD setup was not dramatically worse and that users do not collide as often with walls.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces: Input Devices and StrategiesUsability Evaluation in Virtual Reality: A User Study Comparing Three Different Setups