Pacheco, DanielWierenga, SytseOmedas, PedroKnoch, HabboBillib, StephanieWilbricht, StefanVerschure, PaulGabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere Brunet2016-01-062016-01-062015978-1-5090-0048-7 key role that space and spatial organization of content play in memory has been taken very little into account in the design of human-data interaction systems. Here, we present a location based Augmented Reality application for the exploration and visualization of historical files, which is based on the argument that the embodied interaction with content by moving in the real, physical space will enhance its recollection from memory and comprehension. Our software architecture integrates a historical 3D reconstruction with geo referenced historical documents, as well as specific guidance components for narrative generation. All content of the application database is spatialized and can be navigated in a completely free/exploratory mode or in a passive/guided mode. We present the results of an experiment comparing spatial memory performance in the two modes. Our data confirms previous findings in the spatial navigation literature, suggesting that active exploration of an environment leads to a better spatial understanding of it.Augmented RealitySpatial NavigationMemoryA Location-Based Augmented Reality System for the Spatial Interaction with Historical Datasets10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7413911