Ioannou, EleftheriosMaddock, SteveRitsos, Panagiotis D. and Xu, Kai2020-09-102020-09-102020978-3-03868-122-9 art is a relatively recent phenomenon, one that brings innovation in the way that artworks can be produced and presented in real-world locations and environments. We present an AR art app, running in real time on a smartphone, that can be used to bring to life inanimate objects such as statues. The work relies on a virtual copy of the real object, which is produced using photogrammetry, as well as a skeleton rig for subsequent animation. As part of the work, we present a new diminishing reality technique, based on the use of particle systems, to make the real object 'disappear' and be replaced by the animating virtual copy, effectively animating the inanimate. The approach is demonstrated on two objects: a juice carton and a small giraffe sculpture.Computing methodologiesMixed / augmented realityAnimationImage processingApplied computingFine artsBreathing Life into Statues Using Augmented Reality10.2312/cgvc.2020115471-78