Saling, F.Bernhardt, D.Lysek, A.Smekal, M.Maiero, Jens and Weier, Martin and Zielasko, Daniel2021-09-072021-09-072021978-3-03868-159-51727-530X user interfaces should not be a limiting factor when it comes to designing immersive virtual reality games. In this work we evaluate two different GUI designs for VR games: A non-diegetic HUD and a diegetic GUI, utilizing objects in the virtual environment to convey information. A pilot study was conducted to measure the players presence in VR and their GUI preference. Our results indicate that players prefer the diegetic GUI over the non-diegetic one. However the results lack statistical significance and thus further studies are necessary to identify the factors leading to the this preference.Human centered computingVirtual realityGraphical user interfacesUser studiesDiegetic vs. Non-Diegetic GUIs: What do Virtual Reality Players Prefer?10.2312/egve.202113331-2