Pamart, AnthonyGuillon, OdileVallet, Jean-MarcLuca, Livio DeChiara Eva Catalano and Livio De Luca2016-10-052016-10-052016978-3-03868-011-62312-6124 photogrammetry is nowadays a common technique applied to acquire 3D data on Cultural Heritage (CH) artifacts. Image-based modeling are indeed providing useful resources for the documentation and the conservation but it is also set more recently as a monitoring tool that could help the decision making in term of restoration. The 3D footprint restitutes as a point cloud, the appearance according to a definite spatial resolution and at a given time, the visible surface of an artifact. Nevertheless, different techniques of scientific imaging are also used to obtain complementary information. This paper explores a multimodal approach of the photogrammetric survey and data processing to reach a multidimensional data integration (i.e. spatial, temporal and, or spectral).I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Digitizing and scanningI.3.6 Methodology and TechniquesToward a Multimodal Photogrammetric Acquisition and Processing Methodology for Monitoring Conservation and Restoration Studies10.2312/gch.20161409207-210