Baillet, VincentMora, PascalCou, CorentinTournon-Valiente, SarahVolait, MercedesGranier, XavierPacanowski, RomainGuennebaud, GaƫlHulusic, Vedad and Chalmers, Alan2021-11-022021-11-022021978-3-03868-141-02312-6124 restitution is now a well-known tool to validate hypotheses on historical buildings that do not exist anymore. The present project takes the method a step further in order to explore the art historical topic of ornament reuse in 19th century revival architecture, particularly in Cairo. The case study is the Saint-Maurice residence, built 1875-79, for which an extensive collection of documents in varied formats, and from multiple locations and disciplines, has been conducted. The paper presents some preliminary results on the 3D restitution, the remaining open questions and the challenges they raise.Applied computingArts and humanitiesInformation systemsDigital libraries and archives3D for Studying Reuse in 19th Century Cairo: the Case of Saint-Maurice Residence10.2312/gch.20211414117-120