Festenberg, Niels v.Gumhold, StefanEduard Groeller and Holly Rushmeier2015-02-272015-02-2720111467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2011.01904.xWe present a method to generate snow covers on complex scene geometries. Both volumetric snow shapes and photorealistic texturing are computed. We formulate snow accumulation as a diffusive distribution process on a ground scene. Our theoretical framework is motivated by models for granular material deposition. With the framework we can capture the most relevant features of natural snow cover geometries in a concise local computation scheme. Snow bridges and overhangs are also included. Snow surface texture coordinates are computed to create realistic ground–snow interfaces. Several example scenes and a supplementary snow cover growth animation demonstrate the method's efficiency.Diffusion‐Based Snow Cover Generation