Munkberg, JacobAkenine-Möller, TomasCarlos Andujar and Enrico Puppo2013-11-082013-11-0820121017-4656 present two novel culling tests for rasterization of simultaneous depth of field and motion blur. These tests efficiently reduce the set of xyuvt samples that need to be coverage tested within a screen space tile. The first test finds linear bounds in ut- and vt-space using a separating line algorithm. We also derive a hyperplane in xyuvtspace for each triangle edge, and all samples outside of these planes are culled in our second test. Based on these tests, we present an efficient stochastic rasterizer, which has substantially higher sample test efficiency and lower arithmetic cost than previous tile-based stochastic rasterizers.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/ImageGeneration-Display algorithmsHyperplane Culling for Stochastic Rasterization