Klessascheck, FinnKnoche, TomPufahl, LuiseArleo, Alessiovan den Elzen, Stefvon Landesberger, TatianaRehse, Jana-RebeccaPufahl, LuiseZerbato, Francesca2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-254-7https://doi.org/10.2312/vipra.20241101https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/vipra20241101Conformance checking is one of the main operations of process mining with which enterprises can analyse their business processes and consider whether their behaviour follows the desired one, or whether and where it deviates. In order to meaningfully present the results of this family of techniques, an appropriate and accessible visual interaction platform is necessary. However, existing work has focussed primarily on technical aspects, and less on user concerns. To this end, we combine visual analytics concepts with conformance checking. We derive a structural model from literature, which summarizes conformance checking applications, and helps in deriving descriptive models for concrete analyses. We implement our concept prototypically, and evaluate it in a user study, thereby showing the structural model's ability to help in creating accessible and appropriate visualizations for conformance checking.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Visual analytics; Information systems → Data mining; Applied computing → Business process managementHuman centered computing → Visual analyticsInformation systems → Data miningApplied computing → Business process managementDesigning and Evaluating a Structural Model for Conformance Checking Visualizations10.2312/vipra.202411016 pages