Casti, S.Corda, F.Livesu, M.Scateni, R.Livesu, Marco and Pintore, Gianni and Signoroni, Alberto2018-10-182018-10-182018978-3-03868-075-82617-4855 a digital character by acting on the vertices of a coarse control cage is, after skeleton-based, probably the most widely used technique for digital animation. While skeleton-based techniques have been deeply researched and a variety of industrial and academic tools are available for it, cage-based techniques have historically received less attention. In recent years we observed an increasing interest in the field, which results in a growing number of publications both on algorithms for automatic or semi-automatic cage generation, and for smooth barycentric coordinates for general polyhedral meshes. We introduce CageLab: a novel research-oriented software tool that allows scholars and practitioners in general to get acquainted with cagebased animation in a lightweight and easy to use environment. Users can: (i) load digital characters and their associated cages, applying character deformations with a selection of the most widely used barycentric coordinates available in literature; (ii) compare alternative cages for a given digital character; (iii) compare alternative barycentric coordinates w.r.t their smoothness and locality within the cage; (iv) use CageLab for educational purposes, or to produce images and videos for scientific articles. We publicly release the tool to the community, with the hope to support this growth, and possibly foster even more research in the field.Computing methodologiesAnimationShape modelingCageLab: an Interactive Tool for Cage-Based Deformations10.2312/stag.2018129965-74