Oliveira, Julia E. E. deGiessler, PaulDeserno, Thomas M.Katja Bühler and Lars Linsen and Nigel W. John2015-09-142015-09-142015978-3-905674-82-82070-5786https://doi.org/10.2312/vcbm.20151206In this paper, current status of image registration is reviewed with respect to physiological, morphological and anatomical aspects. There are ample choices of recent techniques for image registration which can be used, and a technique suitable for image registration of the pelvis region supporting the femoral nerve block was applied for the development of patient-specific models. Virtual physiological human (VPH) model and magnetic resonance image (MRI) are used for patient-specific image registration. Results are presented in the form of image registration with respect to the skin of the models.I.4.3 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]RegistrationImage Registration Methods for Patient-Specific Virtual Physiological Human Models10.2312/vcbm.2015120631-40