Pezzatini, DanieleYagüe, CarlosRudenick, PaulaBlat, JosepBijnens, BartCamara, OscarStefan Bruckner and Anja Hennemuth and Bernhard Kainz and Ingrid Hotz and Dorit Merhof and Christian Rieder2017-09-062017-09-062017978-3-03868-036-92070-5786 resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a broadly used therapy in patients that suffers from heart failure (HF). The positive outcome of CRT depends strongly on the parameters criteria used to select patients and a lot of research has been done to introduce new and more reliable parameters. In this paper we propose an interactive tool to perform visual assessment and measurements on cardiac ultrasound images of patient with cardiac dyssynchrony. The tool is developed as a web application, allowing doctors to remotely access images and measurements.CCS ConceptsHumancentered computingVisualization systems and toolsApplied computingHealth care information systemsA Web-Based Tool for Cardiac Dyssynchrony Assessment on Ultrasound Data10.2312/vcbm.20171247137-141