Fourey, SébastienTschumperlé, DavidRevoy, DavidBeck, Fabian and Dachsbacher, Carsten and Sadlo, Filip2018-10-182018-10-182018978-3-03868-072-7 present a fast and efficient algorithm for the semi-supervised colorization of line-art images (e.g. hand-made cartoons), based on two successive steps: 1. A geometric analysis of the stroke contours, and their closing by splines/segments, and 2. A colorization step based on the filling of the corresponding connected components, either with random colors or by extrapolating user-defined color scribbles. Our processing technique performs image colorization with a similar quality as previous state of the arts algorithms, while having a lower algorithmic complexity, leading to more possible user interactivity.Computing methodologiesImage processingNonphotorealistic renderingShape analysisA Fast and Efficient Semi-guided Algorithm for Flat Coloring Line-arts10.2312/vmv.201812471-9