Jackel, D.Walter, B.2015-02-152015-02-1519971467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8659.00180This paper presents a method for rendering of the atmosphere by means of Mie-scattering. The method is based on a concentric atmospheric model, which is divided into four submodels: for clear air, aerosol, ozone, and rain. In order to simulate and visualize the various atmospheric effects, each of these submodels can be parameterized by the user as desired. The process of rendering an outdoor scene requires an enormous amount of computing power. In order to make this method suitable for efficient implementation, some simplifications and approximations are discussed. In addition, a selection of the rendering results are presented, and our further activities in the field of atmospheric rendering are discussed.Modeling and Rendering of the Atmosphere Using Mie-Scattering10.1111/1467-8659.00180201-210