Hartveldt, J.Spagnuolo, M.Axenopoulos, A.Biasotti, S.Daras, P.Dutagaci, H.Furuya, T.Godil, A.Li, X.Mademlis, A.Marini, S.Napoleon, T.Ohbuchi, R.Tezuka, M.Michela Spagnuolo and Ioannis Pratikakis and Remco Veltkamp and Theoharis Theoharis2013-10-212013-10-212009978-3-905674-16-31997-0463http://dx.doi.org/10.2312/3DOR/3DOR09/077-083The annual SHape REtrieval Contest (SHREC) measures the performance of 3D model retrieval methods for several different types of models and retrieval purposes. In this contest the structural shape retrieval track focuses on the retrieval of 3d models which exhibit a relevant similarity in the shape structure. Shape structure is typically characterised by features like protrusions, holes and concavities. It defines relationships in which components of the shape are connected.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation - Line and curve generationSHREC'09 Track: Structural Shape Retrieval on Watertight Models