Marques, BernardoEsteves, RafaelAlves, JoãoFerreira, CarlosDias, PauloSantos, Beatriz SousaCignoni, Paolo and Miguel, Eder2019-05-052019-05-0520191017-4656 Reality (AR) has been considered as having great potential in assisting performance and training of complex tasks. Assembling electronic circuits is such a task, since many errors may occur, as wrong choice or positioning of components or incorrect wiring and thus using AR approaches may be beneficial. This paper describes a controlled experiment aimed at comparing usability and acceptance of two AR-based approaches (one based on a single device and another approach using two interconnected devices), with a traditional approach using a paper manual in the assembly of an electronic circuit. Participants were significantly faster and made fewer errors while using the AR approaches, and most preferred the multi-device approach.Humancentered computingMixed / augmented realityEmpirical studies in HCIInvestigating Different Augmented Reality Approaches in Circuit Assembly: a User Study10.2312/egs.2019101145-48