Holz, DanielJan Bender and Christian Duriez and Fabrice Jaillet and Gabriel Zachmann2014-12-162014-12-162014978-3-905674-71-2https://doi.org/10.2312/vriphys.20141232Granular materials exhibit a large number of diverse physical phenomena which makes their numerical simulation challenging. When set in motion they flow almost like a fluid, while they can present high shear strength when at rest. Those macroscopic effects result from the material's microstructure: a particle skeleton with interlocking particles which stick to and slide across each other, producing soil cohesion and friction. For the purpose of Earthmoving equipment operator training, we developed Parallel Particles (P2), a fast and stable position based granular material simulator which models inter-particle friction and adhesion and captures the physical nature of soil to an extend sufficient for training. Our parallel solver makes the approach scalable and applicable to modern multi-core architectures yielding the simulation speed required in this application. Using a regularization procedure, we successfully model visco-elastic particle interactions on the position level which provides real, physical parameters allowing for intuitive tuning. We employ the proposed technique in an Excavator training simulator and demonstrate that it yields physically plausible results at interactive to real-time simulation rates.I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]Computational Geometry and Object ModelingPhysically Based ModelingParallel Particles (P2): A Parallel Position Based Approach for Fast and Stable Simulation of Granular Materials