Ha, Linh K.Krüger, JensComba, JoaoJoshi, SarangSilva, Cláudio T.Torsten Kuhlen and Renato Pajarola and Kun Zhou2014-01-262014-01-262011978-3-905674-32-31727-348Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/EGPGV/EGPGV11/001-010Atlas construction is an important technique in medical image analysis that plays a central role in understanding the variability of brain anatomy. The construction often requires applying image processing operations to multiple images (often hundreds of volumetric datasets), which is challenging in computational power as well as memory requirements. In this paper we introduce MIP, a Multi-Image Processing streaming framework to harness the processing power of heterogeneous CPU/GPU systems. In MIP we introduce specially designed streaming algorithms and data structures that provides an optimal solution for out-of-core multi-image processing problems both in terms of memory usage and computational efficiency. MIP makes use of the asynchronous execution mechanism supported by parallel heterogeneous systems to efficiently hide the inherent latency of the processing pipeline of out-of-core approaches. Consequently, with computationally intensive problems, the MIP out-of-core solution could achieve the same performance as the in-core solution. We demonstrate the efficiency of the MIP framework on synthetic and real datasets.Optimal Multi-Image Processing Streaming Framework on Parallel Heterogeneous Systems