Jamil, AmaanDenes, GyorgyVangorp, PeterHunter, David2023-09-122023-09-122023978-3-03868-231-8https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20231196https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/cgvc20231196Colour vision deficiency (CVD, colourblindness) is the failure or decreased ability to distinguish between certain colours even under normal lighting conditions. There are an estimated 300 million people worldwide with CVD, with approx. 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 women (0.5%)Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Perception; Human-centered computing -> Accessibility systems and toolsComputing methodologiesPerceptionHuman centered computingAccessibility systems and toolsClassifying User Interface Accessibility for Colourblind Users10.2312/cgvc.2023119673-753 pages