Kushner, SarahUlinski, RisaSingh, KaranLevin, David I. W.Jacobson, AlecMitra, Niloy and Viola, Ivan2021-04-092021-04-0920211467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.142627https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1111/cgf142627We propose a novel algorithm to efficiently generate hidden structures to support arrangements of floating rigid objects. Our optimization finds a small set of rods and wires between objects and each other or a supporting surface (e.g., wall or ceiling) that hold all objects in force and torque equilibrium. Our objective function includes a sparsity inducing total volume term and a linear visibility term based on efficiently pre-computed Monte-Carlo integration, to encourage solutions that are as-hiddenas- possible. The resulting optimization is convex and the global optimum can be efficiently recovered via a linear program. Our representation allows for a user-controllable mixture of tension-, compression-, and shear-resistant rods or tension-only wires. We explore applications to theatre set design, museum exhibit curation, and other artistic endeavours.Levitating Rigid Objects with Hidden Rods and Wires10.1111/cgf.142627221-230