Bao, XueyiKarthikeyan, NikhilSchiller, Ulf D.Iuricich, FedericoAgus, MarcoAigner, WolfgangHoellt, Thomas2022-06-022022-06-022022978-3-03868-184-7 interface reconstruction has been investigated over the years both from visualization and analytical point of view using different metrics. When focusing on visualization, interface continuity and smoothness are used to quantify interface quality. When the end goal is interface analysis, metrics closer to the physical properties of the material are preferred (e.g., curvature, tortuosity). In this paper, we re-evaluate three Multimaterial Interface Reconstruction (MIR) algorithms, already integrated in established visualization frameworks, under the lens of application-oriented metrics. Specifically, we analyze interface curvature, particle-interface distance, and medial axis-interface distance in a time-varying bijel simulation. Our analysis shows that the interface presenting the best visual qualities is not always the most useful for domain scientists when evaluating the material properties.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Volumetric models; Human-centered computing → Scientific visualizationComputing methodologies → Volumetric modelsHumancentered computing → Scientific visualizationApplication-oriented Analysis of Material Interface Reconstruction Algorithms in Time-varying Bijel Simulations10.2312/evs.20221104121-1255 pages