Vision, Video, and Graphics (VVG) 2003 2003

Table of Contents and Preface

Seitz, Steve
Frontiers in 3D Photography: Reflectance and Motion

Theobalt, C.; Li, M.; Magnor, M.A.; Seidel, H.-P.
A Flexible and Versatile Studio for Synchronized Multi-View Video Recording

Starck, J.; Hilton, A.
Towards A 3D Virtual Studio for Human Appearance Capture

Mateer, J.W.; Robinson, J.A.
Semi-Automated Logging for Professional Media Applications

Robles-Kelly, A.; Hancock, E.R.
An Eigenvector Method for Surface Recovery

Baumberg, A.; Lyons, A.; Taylor, R.
3D S.O.M.- A Commercial Software Solution to 3D Scanning

Hasenfratz, J.M.; Lapierre, M.; Gascuel, J.-D.; Boyer, E.
Real-Time Capture, Reconstruction and Insertion into Virtual World of Human Actors

Cantzler, H.; Hoile, C.
A Novel Form of Pointing Device

Costanza, E.; Robinson, J.
A Region Adjacency Tree Approach to the Detection and Design of Fiducials

Labrosse, F.
On the Editing of Images: Selecting, Cutting and Filling-in

Robb, M.; Spence, A.D.; Chantler, M.J.; Timmins, M.
Real-Time Per-pixel Rendering of Bump-mapped Textures Captured using Photometric Stereo

Tan, J.; Clapworthy, G.
Parameter Acquisition of Geometric Primitives within Virtual Environments for Internet-Based Telerobotics

Barsky, Brian
Investigating Occlusion and Discretization Problems in Image-Based Blurring Techniques

Daniel, G.; Chen, M.
Visualising Video Sequences using Direct Volume Rendering

Qi, M.; Willis, P.J.
Quasi-3D cell-based Animation

Collomosse, J.P.; Hall, P.M.
Cartoon-Style Rendering of Motion from Video

Feiner, Steve
User Interfaces for Mobile Augmented Reality Systems

Hyde, J.; Robinson, J.
Coding 3D Facial Models forMugshot Applications

Lorenzo, M.S.; Edge, J.D.; King, S.A.; Maddock, S.
Use and Re-use of Facial Motion CaptureData

Vincent, É.; Laganière, R.
Models from Image Triplets using Epipolar Gradient Features

Vigueras, J.F.; Berger, M.-O.; Simon, G.
Iterative Multi-Planar Camera Calibration: Improving Stability using Model Selection

Johnston, D.J.; Clark, A.F.
A Vision-Based Location System using Fiducials

Thorne, J.M.; Chatting, D.J.
Prometheus: Facial Modelling, Tracking and Puppetry

Kulkarni, S.
Interpretation of Fuzzy Logic For Texture Queries in CBIR

Neagle, R.J.; Ng, K.; Ruddle, R.A.
Studying the Fidelity Requirements for a Virtual Ballet Dancer

Patel, M.; White, M.; Walczak, K.; Sayd, P.
Digitisation to Presentation- BuildingVirtual Museum Exhibitions

Ho, E.Y.T.
Applications of Clifford Algebra in Mixed Reality Environment

Robinson, J.A.
Collaborative Vision and Interactive Mosaicing

Robles-Kelly, A.; Hancock, E.R.
Lambertian Correction for Rough and Specular Surfaces

Stahlhut, O.
Extending Natural Textures with Multi-Scale Synthesis

Brooks, S.; Cardle, M.; Dodgson, N.A.
Enhanced Texture Editing using Self Similarity

Gross, Markus
Efficient 3D Content Creation using Point Sampled Geometry
