Now showing items 21-40 of 41

    • G1 Smoothing Solid Objects by Bicubic Bezier Patches 

      Liang, Youdong; Ye, Xiuzi; Fang, Shiaofen (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A general and unified method is presented for generating a wide range of 3D objects by smoothing the vertices and edges of a given polyhedron with arbitrary topology using bicubic Bezier patches. The common solution to the ...
    • A Compositional Semantics for Graphics 

      Pineda, Luis A. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      In this paper a theory for developing "intelligent" interactive graphic systems is detailed. The Fregean compositionality principle is enunciated for graphical representations. Geometrical symbols and relations receive ...
    • Construction and Animation of a Synthetic Actress 

      Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Thalmann, D. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper describes a method for creating and animating a synthetic actress. It emphasizes the methodology used to generate realistic images and motions. In particular, points which are often ignored in the literature are ...
    • Conversion of Boundary Representations to Bintrees 

      Diehl, Rabanus (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Methods for the conversion from boundary-representations to approximation models (especially the bintree model) are examined. A new algorithm for the conversion to the bintree model is presented. It employs an inheritence ...
    • Using Algebraic Constraints in Interactive Text and Graphics Editing 

      Li, Jiarong (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      In many graphical application areas such as architectural and mechanical design, spatial relationships are vastly used to construct and manipulate complex objects. They are used to describe dependencies between components ...
    • Towards a System for Exploring the Universe of Polyhedral Shapes 

      Colin, Christian (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      It is often easier to model a shape by giving its properties rather than describing it explicitly. Thus, we are interested in methods which allow us to create shapes automatically by only giving a set of properties. We ...
    • A Formal Specification of a Boundary Representation 

      Baumann, Peter (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Geometric modellers are used in a wide spectrum of applications in computer graphics. As many other applications use the generated internal representation of solids, semantic correctness is of special importance. On the ...
    • METAVIEWS: A Process-Oriented Approach to CAD and Graphics 

      Takala, Tapio (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A system-theoretic approach to the computer aided design (CAD) process is presented. Dependency network among objects, consisting of design operations - transactions - is formed automatically during design. The derivation ...
    • A New Algorithm for Converting Boundary Representation to Octree 

      Tang, Zesheng; Lu, Shengkai (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Conversion algorithms between different object representations have become Increasingly important In soIid modeling system. In this paper, an algorithm for converting boundary representation of 3D object to octree structure ...
    • Automatic Detection of Closed Parametric Surfaces without Interior 

      Seidel, Hans-Peter (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper presents an algorithm for the automatic detection of closed piecewise parametric surfaces without any inside or outside, e.g. a Klein bottle. The algorithm is able to decide whether a given closed surface is ...
    • An Expert System for Polyhedra Modelling 

      Martin, Philippe; Martin, Dominique (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Very often we wish to construct shapes according to some criteria, which are properties we want the object to possess. In this case explicit construction becomes an inadapted way of working. One would wish to obtain the ...
    • Conic Beta-Splines with Local Tension Control for Interactive Curve Fitting 

      Pham, Binh (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Polynomial Beta-splines were introduced by Barsky as an extension of polynomial B-splines with bias and tension parameters which allow more flexibility in controlling shape in curve fitting. It is possible to show that a ...
    • Generation of High-Quality Curve and Surface with Smoothly Varying Curvature 

      Higashi, Masatake; Kaneko, Kohji; Hosaka, Mamoru (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      A method for generating curves and surfaces which satisfy constraints of tangent directions and curvature at arbitrary points and which have smoothly varying curvature is introduced. The method is geometrical determination ...
    • A Procedural System for the Definition and Storage of Technical Drawings in Parametric Form 

      Cugini, U.; Folini, F.; Vicini, I. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      The construction of a truly USER-FRIENDLY CAD system requires the acquisition and management of a tremendous amount of information which cannot be. and must not be. directly requested from the user, but which has to be ...
    • Boundary to Constructive Solid Geometry: A Step Towards 3D Conversion 

      Juan, R. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Several solid representation schemes exist today in solid modeling. As none of them has properties that are uniformly better than any other, the need for modeling systems working on two or more different schemes which ...

      Various (Eurographics Association, 1988)
    • IXPHIGS: A Portable Implementation of the International PHIGS Standard 

      Gorog, Jenö; Krammer, Gergely; Vincze, Arpad (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper describes a "portable" object-oriented implementation of the international standard PHIGS. A rapid prototype has been achieved by making use of earlier developments : the IX-CGI module for graphical input, output ...
    • Application Profiles for Computer Graphics Standards - A Touch of Realism 

      Mumford, Anne M. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Computer graphics standards have become widely used and are now a fact of life. We have reached the stage of reviewing and extending the current standards. There is an important move within the user community which needs ...
    • The Development of PHEX, a 3D Graphics Extension to X11 

      Clifford Jr., William H.; McConnell, John I.; Saltz, Jeffrey S. (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      Today, many computer applications require both 3 dimensional (3D) graphics and window management. The new ISO PHIGS [1] and GKS-3D [2] standards define functional interfaces for applications needing 3D graphics but do not ...
    • Grafields: Field-Directed Dynamic Splines for Interactive Motion Control 

      Pintado, Xavier; Fiume, Eugene (Eurographics Association, 1988)
      This paper presents an interactive system for motion control that emphasizes object interaction. The fundamental mechanism provided to support interaction between objects is the field. We present a new technique called ...