Now showing items 1-20 of 43

    • The Clockworks: An Object-Oriented Computer Animation System 

      Breen, David E.; Getto, Phillip H.; Apodaca, Anthony A.; Schmidt, Daniel G.; Sarachan, Brion D. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The Clockworks is an object-oriented computer animation system developed at RPl's Center for Interactive Computer Graphics (CICG). The Clockworks has the ability to model and graphically simulate complex 3-D engineering ...
    • Splines for Engineers 

      Ohlin, S.C. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper introduces the concept of interpolation consistency. It is claimed that this property is an essential one for splines that are intended for use in Computer Aided Design. Consistency is defined as the property ...
    • Experiences in Implementing Postscript 

      Goswell, Crispin A. A. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper describes an implementation of POSTSCRIPT for previewing use on workstations with high resolution bitmapped displays. It discusses implementation of storage management, area fill and line drawing, imaging, fonts ...
    • A New Algorithm for Contour-plotting 

      Brinkkernper, Sjaak; Hendriks, Harrie (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A new algorithm for contour-plotting is introduced. The input function, tabulated or in a subroutine description, is approximated by an interpolation function. The contours of this approximating function are drawn piecewise ...
    • A New Algorithm of Space Tracing Using a CSG Model 

      Bouatouch, Kadi; Madani, M.O.; Priol, Thierry; Arnaldi, Bruno (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper describes a new algorithm of space tracing. Scenes are modeled by a CSG tree. Space is subdivided regularly into 3D regions called boxes. With each box is associated a subtree which is the restriction of the ...
    • A Shareable Centralised Database of KRT3 - A Hierarchical Graphics System Based on PHIGS 

      Howard, Toby (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS), currently under development by ISO, is a specification of a set of functions for device-independent computer graphics programming, supporting dynamic ...
    • A Metric for Computing Adaptive Detail in Animated Scenes Using Object-Oriented Programming 

      Blake, Edwin H. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A spatial metric for adapting the level of detail in a modelled object to achieve a convincing degree of realism on a display is formulated and illustrated with a simple implementation. This spatial metric is designed to ...
    • Generative Scene Modelling 

      Beyer, Thomas; Friedell, Mark (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      We describe a new theory of scene modelling that includes generative processes as integral components of scene descriptions. A single, uniform treatment of generative processes replaces the variety of ad hoc mechanisms ...
    • Interaction Management in CAD Systems with History Mechanism 

      Yamaguchi, Yasushi; Kimura, Fumihiko; Ten Hagen, Paul J. W. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      User friendliness is one of the unresolved problems in CAD systems. There are many possible directions for improving user friendliness. Understanding of the modeling process is one of the most important directions. It is ...
    • An Algorithm for 3D Scan-Conversion of Polygons 

      Kaufman, Arie (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A three-dimensional (3D) scan-conversion algorithm, that scanconverts 3D planar polygons into their discrete voxel-map representation within a Cubic Frame Buffer (CFB), is presented. The algorithm, which is a variation of ...
    • Parallel Graphical Output from Dialogue Cells 

      Ten Hagen, P.J.W.; Schouten, H.J. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A system that accepts and processes graphical output from parallel processes using a single workstation, and its use in a User Interface Management System called Dialogue Cells, is described. It allows for a programmer to ...
    • Viz: A Production System Based User Interface Management System 

      van Harmelen, Mark; Wilson, Stephanie M. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A production system based User Interface Management System (UIMS) is discussed. The UIMS, called Viz, has been designed and implemented in a windowed workstation environment, and (a) capitalises on the graphical facilities ...
    • Shape Approximation by a Fractal Model 

      Levy-Vehel, J.; Gagalowicz, A. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The use of fractals to synthesize complex objects is of current interest in the computer graphics community. A powerful way to compute fractals is the use of IFS (iterated function system) which is a set of contractions ...
    • The Reconstruction of Neurone Morphology from Thin Optical Sections - Graphical Aspects 

      Brown, A. D.; Wheal, H. V.; Stockley, E. W. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The aims of the project are two-fold: firstly, to create an accurate three-dimensional model of a neurone from the mammalian nervous system, which can be used to obtain quantitative geometric and topological data on the ...
    • Designing a System to Provide Graphical User Interfaces: The THESEUS Approach 

      Huebner, W.; Lux-Mulders, G.; Muth, M. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper presents the design of THESEUS, a system for programming graphical user interfaces especially targetted at the area of software engineering. Starting with the special needs and requirements that arise in this ...
    • Display of Solid Models with a Multi-Processor System 

      Jansen, Frederik W.; Sutherland, Robert J. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      There is a growing need for fast high-quality display of solid objects. Recently-developed custom-VLSI hardware offers high-speed display but lacks the flexibility and processing power at the pixel level to sustain the ...

      - (Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • An Automatic Interpolation Method of Grayvalued Images Utilizing Density Contour Lines 

      Agui, Takeshi; Saito, Minoru; Nakajima, Masayuki; Arai, Yukihiro (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper presents an automatic method of interpolation or inbetweening for gray valued images, which have been difficult to be processed automatically. The method consists of three parts. The first i s the extraction of ...
    • An Approach to the Formal Specification of Configurable Models of Graphics Systems 

      Arnold, D.B.; Duce, D.A.; Reynolds, G.J (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper describes a general framework for the formal specification of modular graphics systems. The approach is illustrated by an example taken from the Graphical Kernel System (GKS) and uses the Z specification notation.
    • Real-Time Scan-Line In-Fill 

      Allerton, D. J.; Evemy, J. D.; Zaluska, E. J. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A novel algorithm is described to perform in-fill of wire-frame polygons, typically for application in visual systems for flight simulation. Post-processing is performed on an image formed in a conventional raster-scan ...