Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Bézier Shell Finite Element for Interactive Surgical Simulation 

      Golembiovský, Tomá¹; Duriez, Christian (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      There is a strong need, in surgical simulations, for physically based deformable model of thin or hollow structures. The use of shell theory allows to have a well-founded formulation resulting from continuum mechanics of ...
    • Fast Simulation of Inextensible Hair and Fur 

      Müller, Matthias; Kim, Tae-Yong; Chentanez, Nuttapong (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      In this short paper we focus on the fast simulation of hair and fur on animated characters. While it is common in films to simulate single hair strands on virtual humans and on furry animals, those features are either not ...
    • An Implicit Tensor-Mass Solver on the GPU for Soft Bodies Simulation 

      Faure, Xavier; Zara, Florence; Jaillet, Fabrice; Moreau, Jean-Michel (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      The realistic and interactive simulation of deformable objects has become a challenge in Computer Graphics. In this paper, we propose a GPU implementation of the resolution of the mechanical equations, using a semi-implicit ...
    • Physics-based Augmented Reality for 3D Deformable Object 

      Haouchine, Nazim; Dequidt, Jérémie; Kerrien, Erwan; Berger, Marie-Odile; Cotin, Stéphane (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      This paper introduces an original method to perform augmented or mixed reality on deformable objects. Compared to state-of-the-art techniques, our method is able to track deformations of volumetric objects and not only ...
    • Real-time Hair Simulation with Efficient Hair Style Preservation 

      Han, Dongsoo; Harada, Takahiro (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Hair can be a prominent feature of characters in real-time games. In this paper, we propose hair simulation with efficient preservation of various hair styles. Bending and twisting effects are crucial to simulate curly or ...
    • Synthesizing Balancing Character Motions 

      Kenwright, Ben (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      This paper presents a novel method for generating balancing character poses by means of a weighted inverse kinematic constraint algorithm. The weighted constraints enable us to control the order of priority so that more ...