SCA 06: Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation

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Detail-Preserving Fluid Control

ThĆ¼rey, Nils
Keiser, Richard
Pauly, Mark
RĆ¼de, Ulrich

Keyframe Control of Complex Particle Systems Using the Adjoint Method

Wojtan, Chris
Mucha, Peter J.
Turk, Greg

A Controllable, Fast and Stable Basis for Vortex Based Smoke Simulation

Angelidis, Alexis
Neyret, Fabrice
Singh, Karan
Nowrouzezahrai, Derek

Path-based Control of Smoke Simulations

Kim, Yootai
Machiraju, Raghu
Thompson, David

Geometric, Variational Integrators for Computer Animation

Kharevych, Liliya
Yang, Weiwei
Tong, Yiying
Kanso, Eva
Marsden, Jerrold E.
Schrƶder, Peter
Desbrun, Matthieu

Progressive Deforming Meshes based on Deformation Oriented Decimation and Dynamic Connectivity Updating

Huang, Fu-Chung
Chen, Bing-Yu
Chuang, Yung-Yu

Fast Arbitrary Splitting of Deforming Objects

Steinemann, Denis
Otaduy, Miguel A.
Gross, Markus

Fast Simulation of Deformable Models in Contact Using Dynamic Deformation Textures

Galoppo, Nico
Otaduy, Miguel A.
Mecklenburg, Paul
Gross, Markus
Lin, Ming C.

Simultaneous Coupling of Fluids and Deformable Bodies

Chentanez, Nuttapong
Goktekin, Tolga G.
Feldman, Bryan E.
O'Brien, James F.

Oriented Strands - Dynamics of Stiff Multi-Body System

Hadap, Sunil

Simple Linear Bending Stiffness in Particle Systems

Volino, Pascal
Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia

A Consistent Bending Model for Cloth Simulation with Corotational Subdivision Finite Elements

Thomaszewski, Bernhard
Wacker, Markus
StraƟer, Wolfgang

Perceptual Evaluation of LOD Clothing for Virtual Humans

McDonnell, Rachel
Dobbyn, Simon
Collins, Steven
O'Sullivan, Carol

Segment-Based Human Motion Compression

Liu, Guodong
McMillan, Leonard

Motion Templates for Automatic Classification and Retrieval of Motion Capture Data

MĆ¼ller, Meinard
Rƶder, Tido

Learning a Correlated Model of Identity and Pose-Dependent Body Shape Variation for Real-Time Synthesis

Allen, Brett
Curless, Brian
Popovic, Zoran
Hertzmann, Aaron

Animation of Open Water Phenomena with coupled Shallow Water and Free Surface Simulations

ThĆ¼rey, Nils
RĆ¼de, Ulrich
Stamminger, Marc

Modeling Ice Dynamics As A Thin-Film Stefan Problem

Kim, Theodore
Adalsteinsson, David
Lin, Ming C.

Generating Surface Crack Patterns

Iben, Hayley N.
O'Brien, James F.

Hierarchical Retargetting of 2D Motion Fields to the Animation of 3D Plant Models

Diener, Julien
Reveret, Lionel
Fiume, Eugene

Interactive Animation of Dynamic Manipulation

Abe, Yeuhi
Popovic, Jovan

Physics-Based Motion Retiming

McCann, Jim
Pollard, Nancy S.
Srinivasa, Siddhartha

Composition of Complex Optimal Multi-Character Motions

Liu, C. Karen
Hertzmann, Aaron
Popovic, Zoran

Re-using Traditional Animation: Methods for Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Inbetweening

Juan, Christina N. de
Bodenheimer, Bobby

MotionMaster: Authoring and Choreographing Kung-fu Motions by Sketch Drawings

Li, Qilei L.
Geng, Weidong D.
Yu, Tao
Shen, Xiao Jie
Lau, Newman
Yu, Gino

"Walk to here": A Voice Driven Animation System

Wang, Zhijin
Panne, Michiel van de

eFASE: Expressive Facial Animation Synthesis and Editing with Phoneme-Isomap Controls

Deng, Zhigang
Neumann, Ulrich

Sketching Articulation and Pose for Facial Animation

Chang, Edwin
Jenkins, Odest Chadwicke

Simulating Speech with a Physics-Based Facial Muscle Model

Sifakis, Eftychios
Selle, Andrew
Robinson-Mosher, Avram
Fedkiw, Ronald

Robust Kinematic Constraint Detection for Motion Data

Callennec, BenoƮt Le
Boulic, Ronan

Fat Graphs: Constructing an Interactive Character with Continuous Controls

Shin, Hyun Joon
Oh, Hyun Seok

Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-Driven Animation

Lau, Manfred
Kuffner, James J.

Simulation of Bubbles

Zheng, Wen
Yong, Jun-Hai
Paul, Jean-Claude

Physics Based Boiling Simulation

Mihalef, Viorel
Unlusu, Betul
Metaxas, Dimitris
Sussman, Mark
Hussaini, M. Y.

A Texture Synthesis Method for Liquid Animations

Bargteil, Adam W.
Sin, Funshing
Michaels, Jonathan E.
Goktekin, Tolga G.
O'Brien, James F.

Automatic Splicing for Hand and Body Animations

Majkowska, Anna
Zordan, Victor B.
Faloutsos, Petros

Practical Animation of Turbulent Splashing Water

Kim, Janghee
Cha, Deukhyun
Chang, Byungjoon
Koo, Bonki
Ihm, Insung

BibTeX (SCA 06: Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation)
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Detail-Preserving Fluid Control}},
author = {
ThĆ¼rey, Nils
Keiser, Richard
Pauly, Mark
RĆ¼de, Ulrich
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Keyframe Control of Complex Particle Systems Using the Adjoint Method}},
author = {
Wojtan, Chris
Mucha, Peter J.
Turk, Greg
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
A Controllable, Fast and Stable Basis for Vortex Based Smoke Simulation}},
author = {
Angelidis, Alexis
Neyret, Fabrice
Singh, Karan
Nowrouzezahrai, Derek
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Path-based Control of Smoke Simulations}},
author = {
Kim, Yootai
Machiraju, Raghu
Thompson, David
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Geometric, Variational Integrators for Computer Animation}},
author = {
Kharevych, Liliya
Yang, Weiwei
Tong, Yiying
Kanso, Eva
Marsden, Jerrold E.
Schrƶder, Peter
Desbrun, Matthieu
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Progressive Deforming Meshes based on Deformation Oriented Decimation and Dynamic Connectivity Updating}},
author = {
Huang, Fu-Chung
Chen, Bing-Yu
Chuang, Yung-Yu
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Fast Arbitrary Splitting of Deforming Objects}},
author = {
Steinemann, Denis
Otaduy, Miguel A.
Gross, Markus
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Fast Simulation of Deformable Models in Contact Using Dynamic Deformation Textures}},
author = {
Galoppo, Nico
Otaduy, Miguel A.
Mecklenburg, Paul
Gross, Markus
Lin, Ming C.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Simultaneous Coupling of Fluids and Deformable Bodies}},
author = {
Chentanez, Nuttapong
Goktekin, Tolga G.
Feldman, Bryan E.
O'Brien, James F.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Oriented Strands - Dynamics of Stiff Multi-Body System}},
author = {
Hadap, Sunil
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Simple Linear Bending Stiffness in Particle Systems}},
author = {
Volino, Pascal
Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
A Consistent Bending Model for Cloth Simulation with Corotational Subdivision Finite Elements}},
author = {
Thomaszewski, Bernhard
Wacker, Markus
StraƟer, Wolfgang
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Perceptual Evaluation of LOD Clothing for Virtual Humans}},
author = {
McDonnell, Rachel
Dobbyn, Simon
Collins, Steven
O'Sullivan, Carol
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Segment-Based Human Motion Compression}},
author = {
Liu, Guodong
McMillan, Leonard
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Motion Templates for Automatic Classification and Retrieval of Motion Capture Data}},
author = {
MĆ¼ller, Meinard
Rƶder, Tido
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Learning a Correlated Model of Identity and Pose-Dependent Body Shape Variation for Real-Time Synthesis}},
author = {
Allen, Brett
Curless, Brian
Popovic, Zoran
Hertzmann, Aaron
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Animation of Open Water Phenomena with coupled Shallow Water and Free Surface Simulations}},
author = {
ThĆ¼rey, Nils
RĆ¼de, Ulrich
Stamminger, Marc
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Modeling Ice Dynamics As A Thin-Film Stefan Problem}},
author = {
Kim, Theodore
Adalsteinsson, David
Lin, Ming C.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Generating Surface Crack Patterns}},
author = {
Iben, Hayley N.
O'Brien, James F.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Hierarchical Retargetting of 2D Motion Fields to the Animation of 3D Plant Models}},
author = {
Diener, Julien
Reveret, Lionel
Fiume, Eugene
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Interactive Animation of Dynamic Manipulation}},
author = {
Abe, Yeuhi
Popovic, Jovan
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Physics-Based Motion Retiming}},
author = {
McCann, Jim
Pollard, Nancy S.
Srinivasa, Siddhartha
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Composition of Complex Optimal Multi-Character Motions}},
author = {
Liu, C. Karen
Hertzmann, Aaron
Popovic, Zoran
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Re-using Traditional Animation: Methods for Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Inbetweening}},
author = {
Juan, Christina N. de
Bodenheimer, Bobby
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
MotionMaster: Authoring and Choreographing Kung-fu Motions by Sketch Drawings}},
author = {
Li, Qilei L.
Geng, Weidong D.
Yu, Tao
Shen, Xiao Jie
Lau, Newman
Yu, Gino
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
"Walk to here": A Voice Driven Animation System}},
author = {
Wang, Zhijin
Panne, Michiel van de
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
eFASE: Expressive Facial Animation Synthesis and Editing with Phoneme-Isomap Controls}},
author = {
Deng, Zhigang
Neumann, Ulrich
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Sketching Articulation and Pose for Facial Animation}},
author = {
Chang, Edwin
Jenkins, Odest Chadwicke
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Simulating Speech with a Physics-Based Facial Muscle Model}},
author = {
Sifakis, Eftychios
Selle, Andrew
Robinson-Mosher, Avram
Fedkiw, Ronald
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Robust Kinematic Constraint Detection for Motion Data}},
author = {
Callennec, BenoƮt Le
Boulic, Ronan
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Fat Graphs: Constructing an Interactive Character with Continuous Controls}},
author = {
Shin, Hyun Joon
Oh, Hyun Seok
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-Driven Animation}},
author = {
Lau, Manfred
Kuffner, James J.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Simulation of Bubbles}},
author = {
Zheng, Wen
Yong, Jun-Hai
Paul, Jean-Claude
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Physics Based Boiling Simulation}},
author = {
Mihalef, Viorel
Unlusu, Betul
Metaxas, Dimitris
Sussman, Mark
Hussaini, M. Y.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
A Texture Synthesis Method for Liquid Animations}},
author = {
Bargteil, Adam W.
Sin, Funshing
Michaels, Jonathan E.
Goktekin, Tolga G.
O'Brien, James F.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Automatic Splicing for Hand and Body Animations}},
author = {
Majkowska, Anna
Zordan, Victor B.
Faloutsos, Petros
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation},
editor = {
Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
}, title = {{
Practical Animation of Turbulent Splashing Water}},
author = {
Kim, Janghee
Cha, Deukhyun
Chang, Byungjoon
Koo, Bonki
Ihm, Insung
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5288},
ISBN = {3-905673-34-7},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 37 of 37
  • Item
    Detail-Preserving Fluid Control
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) ThĆ¼rey, Nils; Keiser, Richard; Pauly, Mark; RĆ¼de, Ulrich; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We propose a new fluid control technique that uses scale-dependent force control to preserve small-scale fluid detail. Control particles define local force fields and can be generated automatically from either a physical simulation or a sequence of target shapes. We use a multi-scale decomposition of the velocity field and apply control forces only to the coarse-scale components of the flow. Small-scale detail is thus preserved in a natural way avoiding the artificial viscosity often introduced by force-based control methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for both Lagrangian and Eulerian fluid simulation environments.
  • Item
    Keyframe Control of Complex Particle Systems Using the Adjoint Method
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Wojtan, Chris; Mucha, Peter J.; Turk, Greg; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Control of physical simulation has become a popular topic in the field of computer graphics. Keyframe control has been applied to simulations of rigid bodies, smoke, liquid, flocks, and finite element-based elastic bodies. In this paper, we create a framework for controlling systems of interacting particles paying special attention to simulations of cloth and flocking behavior. We introduce a novel integrator-swapping approximation in order to apply the adjoint method to linearized implicit schemes appropriate for cloth simulation. This allows the control of cloth while avoiding computationally infeasible derivative calculations. Meanwhile, flocking control using the adjoint method is significantly more efficient than currently-used methods for constraining group behaviors, allowing the controlled simulation of greater numbers of agents in fewer optimization iterations.
  • Item
    A Controllable, Fast and Stable Basis for Vortex Based Smoke Simulation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Angelidis, Alexis; Neyret, Fabrice; Singh, Karan; Nowrouzezahrai, Derek; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We introduce a novel method for describing and controlling a 3D smoke simulation. Using harmonic analysis and principal component analysis, we define an underlying description of the fluid flow that is compact and meaningful to non-expert users. The motion of the smoke can be modified with high level tools, such as animated current curves, attractors and tornadoes. Our simulation is controllable, interactive and stable for arbitrarily long periods of time. The simulation s computational cost increases linearly in the number of motion samples and smoke particles. Our adaptive smoke particle representation conveniently incorporates the surface-like characteristics of real smoke.
  • Item
    Path-based Control of Smoke Simulations
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Kim, Yootai; Machiraju, Raghu; Thompson, David; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    In this paper, we propose a novel path-based control method for generating realistic smoke animations. Our method allows an animator to specify a 3D curve for the smoke to follow. Path control is then achieved using a linear (closed) feedback loop to match the velocity field obtained from a 3D flow simulation with a target velocity field. The target velocity field can be generated in a variety of ways and may include the small scale swirling motion characteristic of turbulent flows. We provide several examples of complex smoke paths to demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.
  • Item
    Geometric, Variational Integrators for Computer Animation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Kharevych, Liliya; Yang, Weiwei; Tong, Yiying; Kanso, Eva; Marsden, Jerrold E.; Schrƶder, Peter; Desbrun, Matthieu; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a general-purpose numerical scheme for time integration of Lagrangian dynamical systems an important computational tool at the core of most physics-based animation techniques. Several features make this particular time integrator highly desirable for computer animation: it numerically preserves important invariants, such as linear and angular momenta; the symplectic nature of the integrator also guarantees a correct energy behavior, even when dissipation and external forces are added; holonomic constraints can also be enforced quite simply; finally, our simple methodology allows for the design of high-order accurate schemes if needed. Two key properties set the method apart from earlier approaches. First, the nonlinear equations that must be solved during an update step are replaced by a minimization of a novel functional, speeding up time stepping by more than a factor of two in practice. Second, the formulation introduces additional variables that provide key flexibility in the implementation of the method. These properties are achieved using a discrete form of a general variational principle called the Pontryagin-Hamilton principle, expressing time integration in a geometric manner. We demonstrate the applicability of our integrators to the simulation of non-linear elasticity with implementation details.
  • Item
    Progressive Deforming Meshes based on Deformation Oriented Decimation and Dynamic Connectivity Updating
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Huang, Fu-Chung; Chen, Bing-Yu; Chuang, Yung-Yu; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a method for progressive deforming meshes. Most existing mesh decimation methods focus on static meshes. However, there are more and more animation data today, and it is important to address the problem of simplifying deforming meshes. Our method is based on deformation oriented decimation (DOD) error metric and dynamic connectivity updating (DCU) algorithm. Deformation oriented decimation extends the deformation sensitivity decimation (DSD) error metric by augmenting an additional term to model the distortion introduced by deformation. This new metric preserves not only geometric features but also areas with large deformation. Using this metric, a static reference connectivity is extracted for the whole animation. Dynamic connectivity updating algorithm utilizes vertex trees to further reduce geometric distortion by allowing the connectivity to change. Tem- poral coherence in the dynamic connectivity between frames is achieved by penalizing large deviations from the reference connectivity. The combination of DOD and DCU demonstrates better simplification and triangulation performance than previous methods for deforming mesh simplification.
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    Fast Arbitrary Splitting of Deforming Objects
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Steinemann, Denis; Otaduy, Miguel A.; Gross, Markus; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a novel algorithm for efficiently splitting deformable solids along arbitrary piecewise linear crack surfaces in cutting and fracture simulations. We propose the use of a meshless discretization of the deformation field, and a novel visibility graph for fast update of shape functions in meshless discretizations. We decompose the splitting operation into a first step where we synthesize crack surfaces as triangle meshes, and a second step where we use the newly synthesized surfaces to update the visibility graph, and thus the meshless discretization of the deformation field. The separation of the splitting operation into two steps, along with our novel visibility graph, enables high flexibility and control over the splitting trajectories, provides fast dynamic update of the meshless discretization, and facilitates an easy implementation, making our algorithm scalable, versatile, and suitable for a large range of applications, from computer animation to interactive medical simulation.We present a novel algorithm for efficiently splitting deformable solids along arbitrary piecewise linear crack surfaces in cutting and fracture simulations. We propose the use of a meshless discretization of the deformation field, and a novel visibility graph for fast update of shape functions in meshless discretizations. We decompose the splitting operation into a first step where we synthesize crack surfaces as triangle meshes, and a second step where we use the newly synthesized surfaces to update the visibility graph, and thus the meshless discretization of the deformation field. The separation of the splitting operation into two steps, along with our novel visibility graph, enables high flexibility and control over the splitting trajectories, provides fast dynamic update of the meshless discretization, and facilitates an easy implementation, making our algorithm scalable, versatile, and suitable for a large range of applications, from computer animation to interactive medical simulation.
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    Fast Simulation of Deformable Models in Contact Using Dynamic Deformation Textures
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Galoppo, Nico; Otaduy, Miguel A.; Mecklenburg, Paul; Gross, Markus; Lin, Ming C.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present an efficient algorithm for simulating contacts between deformable bodies with high-resolution surface geometry using dynamic deformation textures, which reformulate the 3D elastoplastic deformation and collision handling on a 2D parametric atlas to reduce the extremely high number of degrees of freedom in such a computa- tionally demanding simulation. We perform proximity queries for deformable bodies using a two-stage algorithm directly on dynamic deformation textures, resulting in output-sensitive collision detection that is independent of the combinatorial complexity of the deforming meshes. We present a robust, parallelizable formulation for computing constraint forces using implicit methods that exploits the structure of the motion equations to achieve highly stable simulation, while taking large time steps with inhomogeneous materials. The dynamic deformation textures can also be used directly for real-time shading and can easily be implemented using SIMD architecture on commodity hardware. We show that our approach, complementing existing pioneering work, offers significant computational advantages on challenging contact scenarios in dynamic simulation of deformable bodies.
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    Simultaneous Coupling of Fluids and Deformable Bodies
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Chentanez, Nuttapong; Goktekin, Tolga G.; Feldman, Bryan E.; O'Brien, James F.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    This paper presents a method for simulating the two-way interaction between fluids and deformable solids. The fluids are simulated using an incompressible Eulerian formulation where a linear pressure projection on the fluid velocities enforces mass conservation. Similarly, elastic solids are simulated using a semi-implicit integrator implemented as a linear operator applied to the forces acting on the nodes in Lagrangian formulation. The proposed method enforces coupling constraints between the fluid and the elastic systems by combining both the pressure projection and implicit integration steps into one set of simultaneous equations. Because these equations are solved simultaneously the resulting combined system treats closed regions in a physically correct fashion, and has good stability characteristics allowing for relatively large time steps. This general approach is not tied to any particular volume discretization of fluid or solid, and we present results implemented using both regular-grid and tetrahedral simulations.
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    Oriented Strands - Dynamics of Stiff Multi-Body System
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Hadap, Sunil; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    The simulation of strand like primitives modeled as dynamics of serial branched multi-body chain, albeit a potential reduced coordinate formulation, gives rise to stiff and highly non-linear differential equations. We introduce a recursive, linear time and fully implicit method to solve the stiff dynamical problem arising from such a multi-body system. We augment the merits of the proposed scheme by means of analytical constraints and an elaborate collision response model. We finally discuss a versatile simulation system based on the strand primitive for character dynamics and visual effects. We demonstrate dynamics of ears, braid, long/curly hair and foliage.
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    Simple Linear Bending Stiffness in Particle Systems
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Volino, Pascal; Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    In cloth simulation particle systems models, bending stiffness involve forces which are either represented as additional springs, or as out-of-plane forces along surface normals. While the former solution is quite inaccurate for both small and large curvatures, the latter requires significant computation and is unsuited for fast computation required by real-time or interactive systems. We present a linear approach which combines simplicity and accuracy, being perfectly suited for the implicit integration schemes used in particle systems.
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    A Consistent Bending Model for Cloth Simulation with Corotational Subdivision Finite Elements
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Thomaszewski, Bernhard; Wacker, Markus; StraƟer, Wolfgang; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Wrinkles and folds play an important role in the appearance of real textiles. The way in which they form depends mainly on the bending properties of the specific material type. Existing approaches fail to reliably reproduce characteristic behaviour like folding and buckling for different material types or resolutions. It is therefore crucial for the realistic simulation of cloth to model bending energy in a physically accurate and consistent way. In this paper we present a new method based on a corotational formulation of subdivision finite elements. Due to the non-local nature of the employed subdivision basis functions a C1-continuous displacement field can be defined. In this way, it is possible to use the governing equations of thin shell analysis leading to physically accurate bending behaviour. Using a corotated strain tensor allows the large displacement analysis of cloth while retaining a linear system of equations. Hence, known convergence properties and computational efficiency are preserved while convincing and detailed folding behaviour is obtained in the simualtion.
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    Perceptual Evaluation of LOD Clothing for Virtual Humans
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) McDonnell, Rachel; Dobbyn, Simon; Collins, Steven; O'Sullivan, Carol; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Recent developments in crowd simulation have allowed thousands of characters to be rendered in real-time. Usually this is achieved through the use of Level of Detail (LOD) models for the individuals in the crowd. Perceptual studies have shown that image-based representations, i.e., impostors, can be used as imperceptible background substitutes for high-polygon models for skinned human characters, resulting in optimal rendering times and high visual fidelity. However, previous methods only showed humans dressed in clothes that were deformed using standard skinning methods. Highly deformable objects like cloth are not effectively depicted using these methods. Therefore, in this paper, we present the first perceptual evaluation of different LOD representations of humans wearing deformable (i.e., physically simulated) clothing. We show conclusively that impostors are startlingly effective at depicting the deformation properties of clothing and present useful guidelines for the development of crowd systems with thousands of realistically clothed humans.
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    Segment-Based Human Motion Compression
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Liu, Guodong; McMillan, Leonard; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    As more and more human motion data are becoming widely used to animate computer graphics figures in many applications, the growing need for compact storage and fast transmission makes it imperative to compress motion data. We propose a data-driven method for efficient compression of human motion sequences by exploiting both spatial and temporal coherences of the data. We first segment a motion sequence into subsequences such that the poses within a subsequence lie near a low dimensional linear space. We then compress each segment using principal component analysis. Our method achieves further compression by storing only the key frames projections to the principal component space and interpolating the other frames in-between via spline functions. The experimental results show that our method can achieve significant compression rate with low reconstruction errors.
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    Motion Templates for Automatic Classification and Retrieval of Motion Capture Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) MĆ¼ller, Meinard; Rƶder, Tido; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    This paper presents new methods for automatic classification and retrieval of motion capture data facilitating the identification of logically related motions scattered in some database. As the main ingredient, we introduce the concept of motion templates (MTs), by which the essence of an entire class of logically related motions can be captured in an explicit and semantically interpretable matrix representation. The key property of MTs is that the variable aspects of a motion class can be automatically masked out in the comparison with unknown motion data. This facilitates robust and efficient motion retrieval even in the presence of large spatio-temporal variations. Furthermore, we describe how to learn an MT for a specific motion class from a given set of training motions. In our extensive experiments, which are based on several hours of motion data, MTs proved to be a powerful concept for motion annotation and retrieval, yielding accurate results even for highly variable motion classes such as cartwheels, lying down, or throwing motions.
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    Learning a Correlated Model of Identity and Pose-Dependent Body Shape Variation for Real-Time Synthesis
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Allen, Brett; Curless, Brian; Popovic, Zoran; Hertzmann, Aaron; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a method for learning a model of human body shape variation from a corpus of 3D range scans. Our model is the first to capture both identity-dependent and pose-dependent shape variation in a correlated fashion, enabling creation of a variety of virtual human characters with realistic and non-linear body deformations that are customized to the individual. Our learning method is robust to irregular sampling in pose-space and identityspace, and also to missing surface data in the examples. Our synthesized character models are based on standard skinning techniques and can be rendered in real time.
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    Animation of Open Water Phenomena with coupled Shallow Water and Free Surface Simulations
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) ThĆ¼rey, Nils; RĆ¼de, Ulrich; Stamminger, Marc; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    The goal of this paper is to perform simulations that capture fluid effects from small drops up to the propagation of large waves. To achieve this, we present a hybrid simulation method, that couples a two-dimensional shallow water simulation with a full three-dimensional free surface fluid simulation. We explain the approximations imposed by the shallow water model, and how to parametrize it according to the parameters of a 3D simulation. Each simulation is used to initialize double layered boundary conditions for the other one. The area covered by the 2D region can be an order of magnitude larger than the 3D region without significantly effecting the overall computation time. The 3D region can furthermore be easily moved within the 2D region during the course of the simulation. To achieve realistic results we combine our simulation method with a physically based model to generate and animate drops. For their generation we make use of the fluid turbulence model, and animate them with a simplified drag calculation. This allows simulations with relatively low resolutions.
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    Modeling Ice Dynamics As A Thin-Film Stefan Problem
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Kim, Theodore; Adalsteinsson, David; Lin, Ming C.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Large, 3D ice formations such as icicles exhibit a high degree of geometric and optical complexity. Modeling these features by hand can be a daunting task, so we present a novel physically-based algorithm for simulating this phenomenon. Solidification is usually posed as a so-called Stefan problem , but the problem in its classic form is inappropriate for simulating the ice typically found in a winter scene. We instead use the thin-film variant of the Stefan problem to derive velocity equations for a level set simulation. However, due to the scales involved in the problem, even an adaptive grid level set solver is still insufficient to track the tip of an icicle. Therefore, we derive an analytical solution for the icicle tip and use it to correct the level set simulation. The results appear to be in agreement with experimental data. We also present a physically-based technique for modeling ripples along the ice surface that alleviates the need to explicitly track small-scale geometry. To our knowledge, our approach is the most complete model available, and produces complex visual phenomena that no previous method has been able to capture.
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    Generating Surface Crack Patterns
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Iben, Hayley N.; O'Brien, James F.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a method for generating surface crack patterns that appear in materials such as mud, ceramic glaze, and glass. To model these phenomena, we build upon existing physically based methods. Our algorithm generates cracks from a stress field defined heuristically over a triangle discretization of the surface. The simulation produces cracks by evolving this field over time. The user can control the characteristics and appearance of the cracks using a set of simple parameters. By changing these parameters, we have generated examples similar to a variety of crack patterns found in the real world. We assess the realism of our results by comparison with photographs of realworld examples. Using a physically based approach also enables us to generate animations similar to time-lapse photography.
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    Hierarchical Retargetting of 2D Motion Fields to the Animation of 3D Plant Models
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Diener, Julien; Reveret, Lionel; Fiume, Eugene; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    The complexity of animating trees, shrubs and foliage is an impediment to the efficient and realistic depiction of natural environments. This paper presents an algorithm to extract, from a single video sequence, motion fields of real shrubs under the influence of wind, and to transfer this motion to the animation of complex, synthetic 3D plant models. The extracted motion is retargeted without requiring physical simulation. First, feature tracking is applied to the video footage, allowing the 2D position and velocity of automatically identified features to be clustered. A key contribution of the method is that the hierarchy obtained through statistical clustering can be used to synthesize a 2D hierarchical geometric structure of branches that terminates according to the cut-off threshold of a classification algorithm. This step extracts both the shape and the motion of a hierarchy of features groups that are identified as geometrical branches. The 2D hierarchy is then extended to three dimensions using the estimated spatial distribution of the features within each group. Another key contribution is that this 3D hierarchical structure can be efficiently used as a motion controller to animate any complex 3D model of similar but non-identical plants using a standard skinning algorithm. Thus, a single video source of a moving shrub becomes an input device for a large class of virtual shrubs. We illustrate the results on two examples of shrubs and one outdoor tree. Extensions to other outdoor plants are discussed.
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    Interactive Animation of Dynamic Manipulation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Abe, Yeuhi; Popovic, Jovan; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Lifelike animation of object manipulation requires dynamic interaction between animated characters, objects, and their environment. These interactions can be animated automatically with physically based simulations but proper controls are needed to animate characters that move realistically and that accomplish tasks in spite of unexpected disturbances. This paper describes an efficient control algorithm that generates realistic animations by incorporating motion data into task execution. The end result is a versatile system for interactive animation of dynamic manipulation tasks such as lifting, catching, and throwing.
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    Physics-Based Motion Retiming
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) McCann, Jim; Pollard, Nancy S.; Srinivasa, Siddhartha; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    By changing only the playback timing of a motion sequence, an animator can achieve a variety of effects that alter our perception of an event. In some scenarios, it may be important to consider physical properties of the motion when retiming (e.g., to preserve physical plausibility). However, existing retiming solutions can be quite time consuming when physical parameters are considered. This paper presents an interactive method for creating optimal motion retimings that takes into account physically based constraints and objective functions. We achieve fast performance through a precomputation phase where constraints are projected into the two-dimensional space of velocities and accelerations along the input motion path. Unlike previous approaches, our precomputation technique allows for rapid computation of plausible contact forces that result from retiming, and it also accommodates changing physical parameters. We demonstrate our approach by creating physically plausible results for changes in motion duration, manipulations of the gravity vector, and modifications of character limb masses.
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    Composition of Complex Optimal Multi-Character Motions
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Liu, C. Karen; Hertzmann, Aaron; Popovic, Zoran; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    This paper presents a physics-based method for creating complex multi-character motions from short singlecharacter sequences. We represent multi-character motion synthesis as a spacetime optimization problem where constraints represent the desired character interactions. We extend standard spacetime optimization with a novel timewarp parameterization in order to jointly optimize the motion and the interaction constraints. In addition, we present an optimization algorithm based on block coordinate descent and continuations that can be used to solve large problems multiple characters usually generate. This framework allows us to synthesize multi-character motion drastically different from the input motion. Consequently, a small set of input motion dataset is sufficient to express a wide variety of multi-character motions.
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    Re-using Traditional Animation: Methods for Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Inbetweening
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Juan, Christina N. de; Bodenheimer, Bobby; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    A large body of traditional animation exists that contains characters with poses, expressions, and appeal not easily achievable with modern 3D techniques. To create new uses for this body of animation, this paper presents components of a system that can help incorporate the animation into re-usable libraries. In particular, we discuss two semi-automatic techniques that allow the re-use of traditional animation. First, support vector machines are used to segment cartoon images from their backgrounds for incorporation into an image library, for such applications as re-sequencing. Second, a radial basis function implicit surface modeling technique and a fast nonrigid elastic registration algorithm provide inbetween contours and textures given two key images of traditional animation. Our system is fast, model-free, and requires minimal animator intervention.
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    MotionMaster: Authoring and Choreographing Kung-fu Motions by Sketch Drawings
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Li, Qilei L.; Geng, Weidong D.; Yu, Tao; Shen, Xiao Jie; Lau, Newman; Yu, Gino; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Sketch-drawings is an intuitive and comprehensive means of conveying movement ideas in character animation. We proposed a novel sketch-based approach to assisting the authoring and choreographing of Kungfu motions at the early stage of animation creation. Given two human figure sketches corresponding to the initial and closing posture of a Kungfu form, and the trajectory drawings on specific moving joints, MotionMaster can directly rapidprototype the realistic 3D motion sequence by sketch-based motion retrieval and refinement based on a motion database. The animators can then preview and evaluate the recovered motion sequence from any viewing angles. After the 3D motion sequence has been associated with the 2D sketch drawing, the animator can also interactively and iteratively make changes on the 2D sketch drawing, and the system will automatically transfer the 2D changes to the 3D motion data of current interests. It greatly helps the animator focus on the movement idea development during the evolutionary process of building motion data for articulated characters.
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    "Walk to here": A Voice Driven Animation System
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Wang, Zhijin; Panne, Michiel van de; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a novel interface for directing the actions of computer animated characters and camera movements. Our system takes spoken input in combination with mouse pointing to generate desired character animation based on motion capture data. The aim is to achieve a more natural animation interface by supporting the types of dialogue and pointing that might be used when one person is explaining a desired motion to another person. We compare our voice-driven system with a button-driven animation interface that has equivalent capabilities. An informal user study indicates that for the test scenarios, the voice-user interface (VUI) is faster than an equivalent graphical user interface (GUI). Potential applications include storyboarding for film or theatre, directing characters in video games, and scene reconstruction.
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    eFASE: Expressive Facial Animation Synthesis and Editing with Phoneme-Isomap Controls
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Deng, Zhigang; Neumann, Ulrich; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    This paper presents a novel data-driven system for expressive facial animation synthesis and editing. Given novel phoneme-aligned speech input and its emotion modifiers (specifications), this system automatically generates expressive facial animation by concatenating captured motion data while animators establish constraints and goals. A constrained dynamic programming algorithm is used to search for best-matched captured motion nodes by minimizing a cost function. Users optionally specify hard constraints" (motion-node constraints for expressing phoneme utterances) and soft constraints" (emotion modifiers) to guide the search process. Users can also edit the processed facial motion node database by inserting and deleting motion nodes via a novel phoneme-Isomap interface. Novel facial animation synthesis experiments and objective trajectory comparisons between synthesized facial motion and captured motion demonstrate that this system is effective for producing realistic expressive facial animations.
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    Sketching Articulation and Pose for Facial Animation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Chang, Edwin; Jenkins, Odest Chadwicke; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a method for articulating and posing meshes, in particular facial meshes, through a 2D sketching interface. Our method establishes an interface between 3D meshes and 2D sketching with the inference of reference and target curves. Reference curves allow for user selection of features on a mesh and their manipulation to match a target curve. Our articulation system uses these curves to specify the deformations of a character rig, forming a coordinate space of mesh poses. Given such a coordinate space, our posing system uses reference and target curves to find the optimal pose of the mesh with respect to the sketch input. We present results demonstrating the efficacy of our method for mesh articulation, mesh posing with articulations generated in both Maya and our sketch-based system, and mesh animation using human features from video. Through our method, we aim to both provide novice-accessible articulation and posing mesh interfaces and rapid prototyping of complex deformations for more experienced users.
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    Simulating Speech with a Physics-Based Facial Muscle Model
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Sifakis, Eftychios; Selle, Andrew; Robinson-Mosher, Avram; Fedkiw, Ronald; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a physically based system for creating animations of novel words and phrases from text and audio input based on the analysis of motion captured speech examples. Leading image based techniques exhibit photo-real quality, yet lack versatility especially with regard to interactions with the environment. Data driven approaches that use motion capture to deform a three dimensional surface often lack any anatomical or physically based structure, limiting their accuracy and realism. In contrast, muscle driven physics-based facial animation systems can trivially integrate external interacting objects and have the potential to produce very realistic animations as long as the underlying model and simulation framework are faithful to the anatomy of the face and the physics of facial tissue deformation. We start with a high resolution, anatomically accurate flesh and muscle model built for a specific subject. Then we translate a motion captured training set of speech examples into muscle activation signals, and subsequently segment those into intervals corresponding to individual phonemes. Finally, these samples are used to synthesize novel words and phrases. The versatility of our approach is illustrated by combining this novel speech content with various facial expressions, as well as interactions with external objects.
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    Robust Kinematic Constraint Detection for Motion Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Callennec, BenoƮt Le; Boulic, Ronan; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Motion capture data is now widely available to create realistic character animation. However, it is di?cult to reuse without any additional information. For this reason, annotating motion data with kinematic constraints is a clever step to ease further operations such as blending or motion editing. Unfortunately, prior automatic methods prove to be unreliable for noisy data and/or lack genericity. In this paper, we present a method for detecting kinematic constraints for motion data. It detects when an object (or an end-e?ector) is stationary in space or is rotating around an axis or a point. Our method is fast, generic and may be used on any kind of objects in the scene. Furthermore, it is robust to highly noisy data as we detect and reject aberrant data by using a least median of squares (LMedS) method. We demonstrate the accuracy of our method in various motion editing contexts.
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    Fat Graphs: Constructing an Interactive Character with Continuous Controls
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Shin, Hyun Joon; Oh, Hyun Seok; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    This paper proposes a methodology that allows users to control character s motion interactively but continuously. Inspired by the work of Gleicher et al. [GSKJ03], we propose a semi-automatic method to build fat graphs where a node corresponds to a pose and its incoming and outgoing edges represent the motion segments starting from and ending at similar poses. A group of edges is built into a fat edge that parameterizes similar motion segments into a blendable form. Employing the existing motion transition and blending methods, our run-time system allows users to control a character interactively in continuous parameter spaces with conventional input devices such as joysticks and the mice. The capability of the proposed methodology is demonstrated through several applications. Although our method has some limitations on motion repertories and qualities, it can be adapted to a number of real-world applications including video games and virtual reality applications.
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    Precomputed Search Trees: Planning for Interactive Goal-Driven Animation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Lau, Manfred; Kuffner, James J.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a novel approach for interactively synthesizing motions for characters navigating in complex environments. We focus on the runtime efficiency for motion generation, thereby enabling the interactive animation of a large number of characters simultaneously. The key idea is to precompute search trees of motion clips that can be applied to arbitrary environments. Given a navigation goal relative to a current body position, the best available solution paths and motion sequences can be efficiently extracted during runtime through a series of table lookups. For distant start and goal positions, we first use a fast coarse-level planner to generate a rough path of intermediate sub-goals to guide each iteration of the runtime lookup phase. We demonstrate the efficiency of our technique across a range of examples in an interactive application with multiple autonomous characters navigating in dynamic environments. Each character responds in real-time to arbitrary user changes to the environment obstacles or navigation goals. The runtime phase is more than two orders of magnitude faster than existing planning methods or traditional motion synthesis techniques. Our technique is not only useful for autonomous motion generation in games, virtual reality, and interactive simulations, but also for animating massive crowds of characters offline for special effects in movies.
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    Simulation of Bubbles
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Zheng, Wen; Yong, Jun-Hai; Paul, Jean-Claude; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We present a novel framework based on a continuous fluid simulator for general simulation of realistic bubbles, with which we can handle as many significant dynamic bubble effects as possible. To capture nature of the very thin liquid film of bubbles, we have developed a regional level set method allowing multi-manifold interface tracking. The regional level set method is based on the definitions of regional distance and its five operators, which makes it very easy to implement. We can reconstruct an implicit surface of liquid film with arbitrary thickness from the representation of regional level set functions. To overcome the numerical instability caused by surface tension, we exploit a new semi-implicit surface tension model which is unconditionally stable and makes the simulation of surface tension dominated phenomena much more efficient. An approximated film thickness evolution model is proposed to control the bubble s lifecycle. All these new techniques combine into a general framework that can produce various realistic dynamic effects of bubbles.
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    Physics Based Boiling Simulation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Mihalef, Viorel; Unlusu, Betul; Metaxas, Dimitris; Sussman, Mark; Hussaini, M. Y.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    In order to animate complex fluid motion, computer animators have to rely on simulation systems that automatically generate the dynamics in a physics based manner. We focus in this paper on the phenomenon of boiling, which, due to its complex formulation and physics, has seen very little work done in the graphics field. We propose a new Eulerian method that couples gas and liquid with variable temperature and with a mass transfer mechanism, and we present its application to simulating boiling phenomena. Our philosophy is using physics based models to obtain visually rich animations that mirror their real life counterparts, including phenomena of increased circulation in the mass of liquid, roiling boil, nucleation seeding on solid boundaries.
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    A Texture Synthesis Method for Liquid Animations
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Bargteil, Adam W.; Sin, Funshing; Michaels, Jonathan E.; Goktekin, Tolga G.; O'Brien, James F.; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    In this paper we present a method for synthesizing textures on animated liquid surfaces generated by a physically based fluid simulation system. Rather than advecting texture coordinates on the surface, our algorithm synthesizes a new texture for every frame using an optimization procedure which attempts to match the surface texture to an input sample texture. By synthesizing a new texture for every frame, our method is able to overcome the discontinuities and distortions of an advected parameterization. We achieve temporal coherence by initializing the surface texture with color values advected from the surface at the previous frame and including these colors in the energy function used during optimization.
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    Automatic Splicing for Hand and Body Animations
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Majkowska, Anna; Zordan, Victor B.; Faloutsos, Petros; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    We propose a solution to a new problem in animation research: how to use human motion capture data to create character motion with detailed hand gesticulation without the need for the simultaneous capture of hands and the full-body. Occlusion and a difference in scale make it difficult to capture both the detail of the hand movement and unrestricted full-body motion at the same time. With our method, the two can be captured separately and spliced together seamlessly with little or no user input required. The algorithm relies on a novel distance metric derived from research on gestures and uses a two-pass dynamic time warping algorithm to find correspondence between the hand and full-body motions. In addition, we provide a method for supplying user input, useful to animators who want more control over the integrated animation. We show the power of our technique with a variety of common and highly specialized gesticulation examples.
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    Practical Animation of Turbulent Splashing Water
    (The Eurographics Association, 2006) Kim, Janghee; Cha, Deukhyun; Chang, Byungjoon; Koo, Bonki; Ihm, Insung; Marie-Paule Cani and James O'Brien
    Despite recent advances in fluid animation, producing small-scale detail of turbulent water still remains challenging. In this paper, we extend the well-accepted particle level set method in an attempt to integrate the dynamic behavior of splashing water easily into a fluid animation system. Massless marker particles that still escape from the main body of water, in spite of the level set correction, are transformed into water particles to represent subcelllevel features that are hard to capture with a limited grid resolution. These physical particles are then moved in the air through a particle simulation system that, combined with the level set, creates realistic turbulent splashing. In the rendering stage, the particle s physical properties such as mass and velocity are exploited to generate a natural appearance of water droplets and spray. In order to visualize the hybrid water, represented in both level set and water particles, we also extend a Monte Carlo ray tracer so that the particle agglomerates are smoothed, thickened, if necessary, and rendered efficiently. The effectiveness of the presented technique is demonstrated with several examples of pictures and animations.