Supplemental material for EUROGRAPHICS 2016 short paper: Example-based Body Model Optimization and Skinning Authors: Philipp Fechteler, Anna Hilsmann and Peter Eisert * eg2016-fechteler-a-pose-interpolation-scape.mp4 In this video we show the animated shape model learned from the SCAPE database by interpolating between the 71 input poses it was learned from. * eg2016-fechteler-b-pose-interpolation-mpi-faust.mp4 In this video we show the animated shape model learned from the MPI Faust database by interpolating between the 10 input poses it was learned from. * eg2016-fechteler-c-performance-capture-animation-scape-cvssp.mp4 In this video we show the shape model learned from the SCAPE database, animated with parameters extracted from the CVSSP Performance Capture sequence.