========================================== Mesh Saliency via Local Curvature Entropy ========================================== EUROGRAPHICS 2016 Supplemental Material ========================================== These are the experimental results of saliency detection for this paper. All saliency values have been normalized to a range [0,1]. * Directory "results-lce-*" contains results from our LCE method. * Directories "results-spectral-3K-*" and "results-spectral-5K-*" contain results from the spectral method (Song et al., TOG 2014), using a setting of 3,000 and 5,000 faces for QSlim simplification * Directory "results-spectral-5K-*" contains results from the spectral method (Song et al., TOG 2014), using a setting of 5,000 faces for QSlim simplification * Directories ending with "heat" contain results using a "heat" color map (same as in the paper, see heat.png) * Directories ending with "rainbow" contain results created using the classical "rainbow" color map (see rainbow.png) * Color mapping was directly performed using the normalized values from [0,1] (i.e., there was no additional clipping of min/max values / percentile to a more narrow range, for example) * Each mesh has a custom, normalized float property entitled "quality". This property can be used to apply a custom color mapping for comparison. For example, to use Meshlab's inverse rainbow function, load the mesh and choose "Filters"->"Color Creation and Processing"->"Colorize by vertex Quality"