The video demonstrates the following: 1. Computing the relationship between the EM and the MRI Cartesian coordinate systems by using pair of measurements of the coordinates of four points in both systems. (The measurements in the MRI Cartesian coordinate system are previously acquired, and loaded from a file.) 2. Shows the creation of the tetrahedral finite element model from the segmented breast MRI volume. 3. Initializes the US-US image correlation algorithm by selecting suitable features in the US image space, which are then tracked over time. 4. In the first half of the video, we demonstrate a scenario when the motion measurements information source is composed of only breast interior tracking data (US-US correlation data). 5. Towards the end of the video, we demonstrate a scenario when the motion measurements information source is composed of only breast surface tracking data (EM data). 6. One could observe the US-MRI correspondance in the top-left (US) and top-right (MRI) image viewers. As we show US-MRI correspondance, the corresponding MRI slice is only available when the US probe is in contact with the breast surface and also there are available breast interior tracking data. *** To demonstrate that each of the measurement information source types is handled properly by our information fusion engine, we show separately the case when the motion measurement information source is composed of only interior tracking data and the case with only surface tracking data. (If we would use the contact point between the ultrasound probe and the breast skin surface as additional tracking data, it will not be clear that the interior tracking data is properly used by our information fusion engine.)