July 18, 2003

Professor Philip Willis
Department of Computer Science
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY

Dear colleague, dear member of the Eurographics Association,  

I am sure you will be delighted to hear that we have now signed up a new Chapter, in France. The founding chair will be Marie-Paule Cani and I know that French members of Eurographics will join me in thanking her and her team for launching this exciting new adventure. No doubt she will be in touch soon, to tell you about the Committee's plans.

France now joins Ireland, Korea and Hungary, all of whom have started Eurographics Chapters recently. There are thus even more ways to get maximum value from your Eurographics membership.

There is still time to book for the Granada Eurographics conference, but don't delay, go straight to our web site at www.eg.org. Credit card bookings can be made for both the event and a hotel, so you can be sure of your place. There is an excellent programme this year and you could not ask for a more history-steeped location. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Phil Willis

EG Chair chair@eg.org