This is the supplemental material for "Whole-Cloth Quilting Patterns from Photographs" by Chenxi Liu, Jessica Hodgins, and James McCann. Images contained herein are Creative-Commons-Licensed images downloaded from flickr keyword searches. Source urls may be found in image-sources.txt . This set includes only images we actually made into quilts. More result images are available from the project page or by contacting the authors. ------------ Contents: AnnotationChart.pdf - this is the instructional chart we used when producing the input segmentations for our system. It gives descriptions for each region color. results/ - results of running our pipeline on a large image set. Format: image_123.webp - input image image_123_segm.webp - input labelling image_123_out.pat - pattern from our algorithm (in innova autopilot format, which is basically gcode) image_123_l2_tsp.pat - pattern from running an approximate TSP solve on the required edges image_123_tspart.pat - pattern from running an approximate TSP solve on a stippled version of the image image_123_*.webp - preview renderings of associated .pat files image_123_quilted.jpg - photo of quilted result (only included for those results we quilted) image-sources.txt - text file containing source URLS for images in results/ ------------ Notes: The ".pat" file format is used by the Innova Autopilot system to represent sewing patterns. It is a text format consisting of gcode instructions. Coordinates are in inches.