Computer Graphics Forum 2010 / CGF 29 - 5 

Guest Editorial

Raif M. Rustamov
Barycentric Coordinates on Surfaces

Josiah Manson; Scott Schaefer
Moving Least Squares Coordinates

Keenan Crane; Mathieu Desbrun; Peter Schroeder
Trivial Connections on Discrete Surfaces

Jian Sun; Xiaobai Chen; Thomas A. Funkhouser
Fuzzy Geodesics and Consistent Sparse Correspondences For Deformable Shapes

Tamal K. Dey; Kuiyu Li; Chuanjiang Luo; Pawas Ranjan; Issam Safa; Yusu Wang
Persistent Heat Signature for Pose-oblivious Matching of Incomplete Models

Maks Ovsjanikov; Quentin Merigot; Facundo Memoli; Leonidas Guibas
One Point Isometric Matching with the Heat Kernel

Alec Jacobson; Elif Tosun; Olga Sorkine; Denis Zorin
Mixed Finite Elements for Variational Surface Modeling

Daniel Burkhart; Bernd Hamann; Georg Umlauf
Iso-geometric Finite Element Analysis Based on Catmull-Clark Subdivision Solids

Ying Yang; Ioannis Ivrissimtzis
Polygonal Mesh Watermarking Using Laplacian Coordinates

Athanasios Vogiannou; Konstantinos Moustakas; Dimitrios Tzovaras; Michael G. Strintzis
Enhancing Bounding Volumes using Support Plane Mappings for Collision Detection

Simon Pabst; Artur Koch; Wolfgang Strasser
Fast and Scalable CPU/GPU Collision Detection for Rigid and Deformable Surfaces

Marcel Campen; Leif Kobbelt
Polygonal Boundary Evaluation of Minkowski Sums and Swept Volumes

Nader Salman; Mariette Yvinec; Quentin Merigot
Feature Preserving Mesh Generation from 3D Point Clouds

Tiberiu Popa; Ian South-Dickinson; Derek Bradley; Alla Sheffer; Wolfgang Heidrich
Globally Consistent Space-Time Reconstruction

Julie Digne; Jean-Michel Morel; Nicolas Audfray; Claire Lartigue
High Fidelity Scan Merging

Eric Landreneau; Scott Schaefer
Scales and Scale-like Structures

Thomas Lewiner; Vinicius Mello; Adelailson Peixoto; Sinesio Pesco; Helio Lopes
Fast Generation of Pointerless Octree Duals

Mirko Zadravec; Alexander Schiftner; Johannes Wallner
Designing Quad-dominant Meshes with Planar Faces

Deboshmita Ghosh; Nina Amenta; Michael Kazhdan
Closed-form Blending of Local Symmetries

Vladimir G. Kim; Yaron Lipman; Xiaobai Chen; Thomas Funkhouser
Moebius Transformations For Global Intrinsic Symmetry Analysis

Mirela Ben-Chen; Adrian Butscher; Justin Solomon; Leonidas Guibas
On Discrete Killing Vector Fields and Patterns on Surfaces

Frederic Cazals; Tom Dreyfus
Multi-scale Geometric Modeling of Ambiguous Shapes with Toleranced Balls and Compoundly Weighted a-shapes

Tamal K. Dey; Joshua A. Levine; Andrew Slatton
Localized Delaunay Refinement for Sampling and Meshing

Patrick Mullen; Fernando de Goes; Mathieu Desbrun; David Cohen-Steiner; Pierre Alliez
Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets