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dc.contributor.authorRitschel, Tobiasen_US
dc.contributor.authorTemplin, Krzysztofen_US
dc.contributor.authorMyszkowski, Karolen_US
dc.contributor.authorSeidel, Hans-Peteren_US
dc.contributor.editorPaul Asente and Cindy Grimmen_US
dc.description.abstractIn traditional media, such as photography and painting, a cardboard sheet with a cutout (called passepartout) is frequently placed on top of an image. One of its functions is to increase the depth impression via the ''looking-through-a-window'' metaphor. This paper shows how an improved 3D effect can be achieved by using a virtual passepartout: a 2D framing that selectively masks the 3D shape and leads to additional occlusion events between the virtual world and the frame. We introduce a pipeline to design virtual passepartouts interactively as a simple post-process on RGB images augmented with depth information. Additionally, an automated approach finds the optimal virtual passepartout for a given scene. Virtual passepartouts can be used to enhance depth depiction in images and videos with depth information, renderings, stereo images and the fabrication of physical passepartoutsen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.subjectCR Categories: I.3.m [Computer Graphics]: Miscellaneous; Keywords: matting, passepartout, depthen_US
dc.titleVirtual Passepartoutsen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationInternational Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Renderingen_US

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • NPAR12
    ISBN 978-3-905673-90-6

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