Now showing items 462-481 of 1568

    • Estratégias de desenvolvimento de jogos multimedia 

      Faria Lopes, Pedro; Vasconcelos Moreira, Maria; Pereira, Hugo (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Com a crescente necessidade de desenvolver projectos multimédia de maior qualidade, em tempos de concretização menores, há que definir critérios que permitam alcançar estes objectivos. Neste trabalho descrevem-se alguns ...
    • Estratégias e Implementação de Realismo Crescente em Ray-Tracing 

      Leitão, J. Miguel; Sousa, A. Augusto; Costa, A. Cardoso; Ferreira, F. Nunes (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
      As imagens produzidas pelo algoritmo de Ray-Tracing são reconhecidas pela sua alta qualidade e realismo. O obstáculo que impede a utilização destes algoritmos em sistemas de baixo custo consiste na grande exigencia em ...
    • Estratégias para a Representação de Pontos de Interesse sobre Mapas 

      Paiva, Bruno; Cláudio, Ana Paula; Carmo, Maria Beatriz; Pombinho, Paulo; Catita, Cristina (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      0 objectivo do nosso trabalho e mostrar pontos de interesse sabre um mapa de um modo que seja inteligivel para o utilizador quando este utiliza um computador de secretaria ou um computador portatil. Sao tidos em considera9ao ...
    • Estudo Comparativo de Aplicações para a Construção de Modelos LEGO 

      Mendes, Daniel; Ferreira, Alfredo (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      A construção de modelos LEGO é um passatempo popular n˜ao apenas para crianc¸as e jovens, mas também para adultos de todas as idades. Acompanhando a evolução tecnol´ogica, existem actualmente diversas aplicações que permitem ...
    • Estudo de uma nova Interface para o Facebook centrada em utilizadores idosos 

      Gomes, Gonçalo; Coelho, José; Matos, Eduardo; Duarte, Carlos (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      A adoção das redes sociais pelos idosos tem vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos. No entanto, muitos ainda não conseguem fazer uso das mesmas redes sociais, uma vez que estas simplesmente não se encontram adaptadas a eles. ...
    • Estudos com Observadores para Avaliação de Qualidade: Influência do Contexto e do Tipo de Dados Avaliados 

      Silva, Samuel; Ferreira, Carlos; Madeira, Joaquim; Santos, Beatriz Sousa (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Os estudos com observadores são uma possível forma para a validação e teste quer de interfaces de utilizador, quer de sistemas de visualização. Contudo, apesar das inúmeras directrizes propostas na literatura, devido a ...
    • Eulerview with Projections: Non Hierarchical Visualisation 

      Chiara, Rosario De; Fish, Andrew (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      EulerView is a novel resource management tool, enabling the representation of non-hierarchical categorisation structures within which to place resources. Since the initial incarnation for use in file-system management, it ...
    • Evaluación Optimizada de Arboles CSG de Sólidos Triangulados de Forma Libre 

      Ogayar, C. J.; Feito, F. R.; Segura, R. J.; Rivero, M. L. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo robusto para la evaluación de un árbol CSG completo de sólidos cuyas fronteras están delimitadas por mallas de triángulos. Este enfoque permite realizar la evaluación de un árbol ...
    • Evaluating an Activity-centered Ubiquitous Computing Framework for User Assistance in Public Spaces 

      Pinto, Helder; José, Rui (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      This paper describes a ubiquitous computing framework for supporting activities that are strongly associated to a specific physical environment and that are performed by occasional visitors. Our framework implements an ...
    • Evaluating Deep Learning Methods for Low Resolution Point Cloud Registration in Outdoor Scenarios 

      Siddique, Arslan; Corsini, Massimiliano; Ganovelli, Fabio; Cignoni, Paolo (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Point cloud registration is a fundamental task in 3D reconstruction and environment perception. We explore the performance of modern Deep Learning-based registration techniques, in particular Deep Global Registration (DGR) ...
    • Evaluating Models for Virtual Forestry Generation and Tree Placement in Games 

      Williams, Benjamin; Ritsos, Panagiotis; Headleand, Christopher (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      A handful of approaches have been previously proposed to generate procedurally virtual forestry for virtual worlds and computer games, including plant growth models and point distribution methods. However, there has been ...
    • Evaluating Three Versions of an Augmented Reality Mobile Game about Recycling 

      Furió, D.; Juan, M.-Carmen; Alem, L.; Ashworth, P. (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      We present three versions of an Augmented Reality (AR) game (basic, collaborative and competitive) for changing people attitudes with regard to climate change. We present a study in which twenty-eight primary school students ...
    • Evaluation Criteria of Software Visualization Systems used for Program Comprehension 

      Berón, Mario M.; Cruz, Daniela da; Pereira, Maria João Varanda; Henriques, Pedro Rangel; Uzal, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      The program understanding task is usually very time and effort consuming. In a traditional way the code is inspected line by line by the user without any kind of help. But this becomes impossible for larger systems. Some ...
    • Evaluation of a Reconfigurable Tangible Device for Collaborative Manipulation of Objects in Virtual Reality 

      Aguerreche, Laurent; Duval, Thierry; Lécuyer, Anatole (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      In this paper we introduce an evaluation of a Reconfigurable Tangible Device (RTD) for collaborative manipulation of objects in virtual environments. The considered RTD, called RTD-3, has a triangular shape that naturally ...
    • Evaluation of A Viseme-Driven Talking Head 

      Dey, Priya; Maddock, Steve; Nicolson, Rod (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper introduces a three-dimensional virtual head for use in speech tutoring applications. The system achieves audiovisual speech synthesis using viseme-driven animation and a coarticulation model, to automatically ...
    • The Evaluation of Perceptual Effectiveness of Isosurface Rendering-based Uncertainty Visualization Techniques for Volumetric Scalar Data 

      Ma, Ji; Murphy, David; Provan, Gregory; O'Mathuna, Cian; Hayes, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2013)
      Many techniques have been proposed to convey uncertainty in visualization. However, little research has been reported on the evaluation of their effectiveness.We present a user study that evaluates the perceptual effectiveness ...
    • An Evaluation of the use of Clustering Coefficient as a Heuristic for the Visualisation of Small World Graphs 

      McGee, Fintan; Dingliana, John (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Many graphs modelling real-world systems are characterised by a high edge density and the small world properties of a low diameter and a high clustering coefficient. In the "small world" class of graphs, the connectivity ...
    • Evolutionary Interactive Analysis of MRI Gastric Images Using a Multiobjective Cooperative-coevolution Scheme 

      Al-Maliki, Shatha F.; Lutton, Évelyne; Boué, François; Vidal, Franck (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      In this study, we combine computer vision and visualisation/data exploration to analyse magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data and detect garden peas inside the stomach. It is a preliminary objective of a larger project ...
    • Evolving Body Kinematics for Virtual Characters 

      Gatzoulis, C.; Tang, W.; Stoddart, W. J. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Physically-based character animation systems often require complex knowledge of the underlying equations of motion. Hence, producing physically-realistic animations can be time consuming with these systems. In this paper, ...
    • Expeditious Modelling of Virtual Urban Environments with Geospatial L-systems 

      Coelho, António; Bessa, Maximino; Sousa, A. Augusto de; Ferreira, F. Nunes (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      This paper presents Geospatial L-systems, a new extension of L-systems that incorporates geospatial awareness, and shows an application of this new tool in the expeditious modelling of urban environments, integrated with ...