Now showing items 3-15 of 15

    • A Computational Musco-Skeletal Model for Animating Virtual Faces 

      Fratarcangeli, Marco (Fratarcangeli, 30/09/2009)
      Automatic synthesis of facial animation in Computer Graphics is a challenging task and althoughthe problem is three decades old by now, there is still not a unified method to solveit. This is mainly due to the complex ...
    • Contours and contrast 

      Smith, Kaleigh (Smith, Kaleigh, 2008-12-11)
      Contrast in photographic and computer-generated imagery communicates colour and lightness differences that would be perceived when viewing the represented scene. Due to depiction constraints, the amount of displayable ...
    • Efficient Line and Patch Feature Characterization and Management for Real-time Camera Tracking 

      Wuest, Harald (Wuest, 2008)
      One of the key problems of augmented reality is the tracking of the camera position andviewing direction in real-time. Current vision-based systems mostly rely on the detectionand tracking of fiducial markers. Some markerless ...
    • Efficient Shadow Map Filtering 

      Annen, Thomas (Annen, Thomas, 2008-12-12)
      Shadows provide the human visual system with important cues to sense spatial relationshipsin the environment we live in. As such they are an indispensable partof realistic computer-generated imagery. Unfortunately, visibility ...
    • Evaluation and Enhancement of HDR Image Appearance on Displaysof Varying Dynamic Range 

      Yoshida, Akiko (Yoshida, Akiko, 2008-12-16)
      The increasingly widespread availability of high dynamic range (HDR) technology has led to active study of the characteristics of the human visual system (HVS) in terms of brightness, lightness, contrast, and color ...
    • HLOD Refinement Driven by Hardware Occlusion Queries 

      Charalambos, Jean Pierre (Charalambos, Dec 2007)
      Con objeto de realizar una eficiente visualización interactiva de modelos geométricoscomplejos, que pueden llegar a comprender varios millones de polígonos, es clave reducirsustancialmente la cantidad de datos procesados. ...
    • Interactive Illustrative Volume Visualization 

      Bruckner, Stefan (Bruckner, March 2008)
      Illustrationen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Kommunikationkomplexer Sachverhalte. Ihre Herstellung ist jedoch schwierigund teuer. Dreidimensionale bildgebende Verfahren habensich in den letzten Jahren als unverzichtbares ...
    • Learning-Based Facial Animation 

      Bargmann, Robert (Bargmann, Robert, 2008-11-28)
      This thesis proposes a novel approach for automated 3D speechanimation from audio. An end-to-end system is presented whichundergoes three principal phases. In the acquisition phase, dynamicarticulation motions are recorded ...
    • New 3D Scanning Techniques for Complex Scenes 

      Chen, Tongbo (Chen, Tongbo, 2008-12-02)
      This thesis presents new 3D scanning methods for complex scenes, such as surfaceswith fine-scale geometric details, translucent objects, low-albedo objects,glossy objects, scenes with interreflection, and discontinuous ...
    • On Generalized Barycentric Coordinates and Their Applications in Geometric Modeling 

      Langer, Torsten (2008)
      Generalized barycentric coordinate systems allow us to express the position of a point in space with respect to a given polygon or higher dimensional polytope. In such a system, a coordinate exists for each vertex of the ...
    • Path-line Oriented Visualization of Dynamical Flow Fields 

      Shi, Kuangyu (2008)
      An effective visual representation of dynamical flow behavior is still a challenging problem of modern flow visualization. Path-lines are important characteristic curves of dynamical flow fields. In this thesis, we focus ...
    • Shape Deformations Based on Vector Fields 

      Freiherr von Funck, Wolfram Alexander (Freiherr von Funck, Wolfram Alexander, 2008-12-22)
      This thesis explores applications of vector field processing to shape deformations. We present a novel method to construct divergence-free vector fields which are used to deform shapes by vector field integration. ...
    • The Visible Vortex Interactive Analysis and Extraction of Vortices in Large Time-dependent Flow 

      Fuchs, Raphael (Fuchs, Sept 2008)
      Computersimulation physikalischer und chemischer Prozesse sind ein essentielles Hilfsmittelzum Verständnis von Problemen aus dem Bereich der Strömungslehre geworden. Mit aktuellenSimulationspaketen ist es ...