Now showing items 8-21 of 21

    • Multi-layered Image Caching for Distributed Rendering of Large Multiresolution Datasets 

      Strasser, Jonathan; Pascucci, Valerio; Ma, Kwan-Lui (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The capability to visualize large volume datasets has applications in a myriad of scientific fields. This paper presents a large data visualization solution in the form of distributed, multiresolution, progressive processing. ...
    • Optimized Visualization for Tiled Displays 

      Lorenz, Mario; Brunnett, Guido (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In this paper we present new functionality we added to the Chromium framework. When driving tiled displays using a sort-first configuration based on the Tilesort stream procession unit (SPU) the performance bottlenecks are ...
    • Optimized Volume Raycasting for Graphics-Hardware-based Cluster Systems 

      Müller, C.; Strengert, M.; Ertl, T. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In this paper, we present a sort-last parallel volume rendering system based on single-pass volume raycasting performed in the fragment shader unit. The architecture is aimed for displaying data sets that utilize the total ...
    • Parallel Particle Rendering: a Performance Comparison between Chromium and Aura 

      Schaaf, Tom van der; Koutek, Michal; Bal, Henri (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In the fields of high performance computing and distributed rendering, there is a great need for a flexible and scalable architecture that supports coupling of parallel simulations to commodity visualization clusters. The ...
    • Parallel Simulation of Cloth on Distributed Memory Architectures 

      Thomaszewski, B.; Blochinger, W. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The physically based simulation of clothes in virtual environments is a highly demanding problem. It involves both modeling the internal material properties of the textile and the interaction with the surrounding scene. ...
    • Parallel Texture-Based Vector Field Visualization on Curved Surfaces Using GPU Cluster Computers 

      Bachthaler, S.; Strengert, M.; Weiskopf, D.; Ertl, T. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We adopt a technique for texture-based visualization of flow fields on curved surfaces for parallel computation on a GPU cluster. The underlying LIC method relies on image-space calculations and allows the user to visualize ...
    • Parallelization of Inverse Design of Luminaire Reflectors 

      Magallon, J. A.; Patow, G.; Seron, F. J.; Pueyo, X. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      This paper presents the parallelization of techniques for the design of reflector shapes from prescribed optical properties (far-field radiance distribution), geometrical constraints and, if available, a user-given initial ...
    • Piggybacking for More Efficient Parallel Out-of-Core Isosurfacing 

      Newman, Timothy S.; Ma, Wenjun (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      A scheme for improving the efficiency of parallel isosurfacing for very large datasets is presented. The scheme is aimed at improving performance in multi-processor environments, especially for environments in which ...
    • Remote Large Data Visualization in the ParaView Framework 

      Cedilnik, Andy; Geveci, Berk; Moreland, Kenneth; Ahrens, James; Favre, Jean (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Scientists are using remote parallel computing resources to run scientific simulations to model a range of scientific problems. Visualization tools are used to understand the massive datasets that result from these ...
    • Rendering on Demand 

      Chalmers, A.; Debattista, K.; Sundstedt, V.; Longhurst, P.; Gillibrand, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In order for computer graphics to accurately represent real world environments, it is essential that physically based illumination models are used. However, typical global illumination solutions may take many seconds, even ...
    • A Scalable, Hybrid Scheme for Volume Rendering Massive Data Sets 

      Childs, Hank; Duchaineau, Mark; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We introduce a parallel, distributed memory algorithm for volume rendering massive data sets. The algorithm's scalability has been demonstrated up to 400 processors, rendering one hundred million unstructured elements in ...
    • Sorted Pipeline Image Composition 

      Roth, Marcus; Reiners, Dirk (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      The core advantage of sort last rendering is the theoretical nearly linear scalability in the number of rendering nodes, which makes it very attractive for very large polygonal and volumetric models. The disadvantage of ...
    • Time Step Prioritising in Parallel Feature Extraction on Unsteady Simulation Data 

      Wolter, M.; Hentschel, B.; Schirski, M.; Gerndt, A.; Kuhlen, T. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Explorative analysis of unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations requires a fast extraction of flow features. For time-varying data, the extraction algorithm has to be executed for each time step in the ...
    • WinSGL: Software Genlocking for Cost-Effective Display Synchronization under Microsoft Windows 

      Waschbüsch, M.; Cotting, D.; Duller, M.; Gross, M. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      This paper presents the first software genlocking approach for unmodified Microsoft Windows systems, requiring no specialized graphics boards but only a low-cost signal generator as additional hardware. Compared to existing ...