Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree Construction for Versatile Ray Tracing 

      Roccia, Jean-Patrick; Paulin, Mathias; Coustet, Christophe (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      We propose an hybrid CPU-GPU ray-tracing implementation based on an optimal Kd-Tree as acceleration structure. The construction and traversal of this KD-tree takes benefit from both the CPU and the GPU to achieve ...
    • Incoherent Ray Tracing without Acceleration Structures 

      Áfra, Attila T. (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Recently, a new family of dynamic ray tracing algorithms, called divide-and-conquer ray tracing, has been introduced. This approach partitions the primitives on-the-fly during ray traversal, which eliminates the need for ...
    • Real-Time Metaball Ray Casting with Fragment Lists 

      Szécsi, László; Illés, Dávid (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      In this paper we describe a method for rendering particle-based medium representations. The algorithm builds per-pixel lists of relevant metaballs, then incrementally constructs a piecewise polynomial approximation of ...
    • Skeleton Based Importance Sampling for Path Tracing 

      Biri, Venceslas; Chaussard, John (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      When working with large and complex scenes, situations arise where light flux takes complex paths to reach the observer. In such cases, traditional stochastic algorithms, like ray tracing algorithms, will have difficulties ...