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Now showing items 15-18 of 18

    • Spatiotemporal Variance-Guided Filtering: Real-Time Reconstruction for Path Traced Global Illumination 

      Schied, Christoph; Kaplanyan, Anton; Wyman, Chris; Patney, Anjul; Chaitanya, Chakravarty Reddy Alla; Burgess, John; Liu, Shiqiu; Dachsbacher, Carsten; Lefohn, Aaron; Salvi, Marco (ACM, 2017)
      We introduce a reconstruction algorithm that generates a tempo- rally stable sequence of images from one path-per-pixel global illumination. To handle such noisy input, we use temporal accu- mulation to increase the e ...
    • STBVH: A Spatial-Temporal BVH for Efficient Multi-Segment Motion Blur 

      Woop, Sven; Afra, Attila T.; Benthin, Carsten (ACM, 2017)
      We present the STBVH, a newapproach for rendering multi-segment motion blur using a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) that stores both spatial linearly interpolated bounds and temporal bounds. The approach is designed for ...
    • Timeline Scheduling for Out-of-Core Ray Batching 

      Son, Myungbae; Yoon, Sung- Eui (ACM, 2017)
      We present a timeline based scheduling method for Monte Carlo ray tracing of out-of-core models on distributed memory clusters. We abstract different setups of various compute and memory devices into a graph-based ...
    • Vectorized Production Path Tracing 

      Lee, Mark; Green, Brian; Xie, Feng; Tabellion, Eric (ACM, 2017)
      This paper presents MoonRay, a high performance production rendering architecture using Monte Carlo path tracing developed at DreamWorks Animation. MoonRay is the first production path tracer, to our knowledge, designed ...