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Now showing items 19-22 of 22

    • Terracotta Reassembly from Fragments Based on Surface Ornamentation Adjacency Constraints 

      Zhang, Yuhe; Geng, Guohua; Wei, Xiaoran; Zhang, Shunli (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      This paper introduces a method that enables the reassembly of fragments with incompleteness in fracture surfaces and break-curves. The incompleteness of the fracture surfaces and break-curves, both contribute to the failure ...
    • Tiled Depth of Field Splatting 

      Selgrad, Kai; Franke, Linus; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      We present a method to compute post-processing depth of field (DOF) that produces more accurate results than previous approaches. Our method is based on existing approaches, namely DOF rendering by splatting and fast, ...
    • Tonal Art Maps with Image Space Strokes 

      Szécsi, László; Szirányi, Marcell; Kacsó, Ágota (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      This paper presents a hybrid hatching solution that uses robust and fast texture space hatching to gather stroke fragments, but fits stylized brush strokes over those fragments in image space. Thus we obtain a real-time ...
    • Transferring and Animating a non T-pose Model to a T-pose Model 

      Hajari, Nasim; Cheng, Irene; Basu, Anup (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      Non T-pose animation is a technique that attempts to generate natural transformations between any non T-pose skeletons to the neutral T-pose skeleton. It is not always easy to extract or embed a T-pose animation skeleton ...