Now showing items 1-20 of 77

    • Multiprocessor Ray Tracing 

      Cleary, John G.; Wyvill, Brian M.; Birtwistle, Graham M. and Vatti, Reddy (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      A multiprocessor algorithm for ray tracing is described. The performance of the algorithm is analysed for a cubic and square array of processors with only local communication between near neighbours. Theoretical expressions ...
    • High Performance Colour Displays for Computer Graphics 

      Denham, Den (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      High-performance computer graphics displays for CAD utilize the Shadow-Mask CRT (SMCRT). Factors affecting colour-display quality and ergonomics include beam-to-beam convergence, beamspot profile, resolution, brightness, ...
    • Scientific Software based on GKS 

      Mumford, Anne (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • A Survey of Contouring Methods 

      Sabin, Malcolm (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • A Functional Approach to Animation 

      Arya, Kavi (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      We investigate the benefits of using a functional language to reason about and to implement animation. Since animation concerns pictures changing over time, we consider the manipulation of movies or picture sequences. A ...
    • Beyond Hershey: A Representation of Fonts for Computer Graphics 

      Gossling, T.H. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      Hershey-s "Repertory of Occidental Fonts" is well known in the field of computer graphics, as a set of character-forms which is superior to the cruder representations used when space was at a premium. This paper gives a ...
    • International Cooperation for Computer Graphics 

      Sneddon, Mark (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Teaching Workshop - December 1985 

      Duce, D.A. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Executive Committee Nominations - 1987 

      Duce, D A (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • EUROCRAPHICS UK 1986: Clasgow Conference 

      Matthew, A.J. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      The Conference was held on the three days 24th to 26th March at Glasgow University, the first day devoted to two parallel tutorials, the second day opening the conference proper and including meetings of special interest ...
    • First Time Classroom Computer Graphics 

      Kelly, Mary B. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Displaying Relevant Features of Protein Molecules 

      Poet, Ron; Milner-White, E. James (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
      We present a novel type of computer generated picture in which the positions of the main chain alpha carbon atoms are averaged and the different types of hydrogen bonds between main chain atoms are represented by lines of ...

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Call for Contributions 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • EUROGRAPHICS -87 Welcome to Amsterdam 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • EUROGRAPHICS Association, Geneva BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 30th, 1986 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • EUROGRAPHICS Individual Membership Application 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)
    • EUROGRAPHICS UK Chapter - Auditors Report 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1986)